Chapter 21: Strellson

Comenzar desde el principio

Ronn took a few seconds before he responded.

"We'll have to sweep New Frontierland for the Second Coming now."

"Easier said than done, Ronn... Tell me this, how in the world are we going to do this discreetly, without alerting everyone to the existence of her?"

"It is not a difficult task," he reassured. "We simply need to vet all the passengers who plan on traveling to the Capital."

"You're making this up on the fly, aren't you?" Junil asked.

"...A vital component of a respectable Party leader is the ability to remain flexible."

"So that's a yes?"

He did not directly respond to that last question, instead continuing with his explanation of the plan.

"There are a limited number of vessels that can depart from New Frontierland to the Capital every day. We are very well capable of screening a majority of the vessels that leave."

"If she isn't departing to the Capital already..." Junil muttered.

The Hero shook his head and glanced down at the shivering Healer.

"The hour is late," he replied. "None of the ships will be running."

"You think I don't know that?" the Healer snapped.

A few moments of awkwardness permeated the silence.

"It appears that you are in a particularly poor mood, Miss Junil," Ronn stated.

"No, really?" Junil snapped. "I wonder how you found out, maybe it has something to do with the bruises on my face? Or the scrapes on my back? Or my ripped, sopping wet clothes?"

"How did you receive so much bruising?"

"That Demonfolk girl," the Healer grumbled. "She smacked me across the face several times with a shovel."

"With a shovel? The same one she used before to damage my sword?" he asked. "It is fortunate that you did not receive any worse wounds."

"Your words of reassurance aren't making me feel any less pain, I hope you know."

"My apologies."

Junil grumbled. "And there was the whole thing with that boat literally running over me, too. Ronn, you're heavy. You need to get lighter armor. Or slim down."

"My armor is the highest quality relative to its weight," he replied. "If it were made from a lighter material, that would compromise its structural integrity."

"Also doesn't change the fact that I'm feeling immense back pain from the raft, too."

"Again," Ronn reiterated. "I apologize, Junil. I had not anticipated such events to unravel so quickly."

The Healer gave a glare up to Ronn. "You didn't, huh? How about asking me before you throw me? I've got an earful to give you, but that'll be once we get to New Frontierland, since I'm currently in the middle of formulating a rant for a particular someone."

"For whom?"

"The moment we get back to New Frontierland," Junil continued, adamant. "I am going to walk right up to Fraul and give that woman a well-deserved black eye!"

"I would recommend against such an act, Miss Junil."

"It's that, or she coughs up the half dozen or so potions needed to heal us back," the Healer replied. "I knew she was a money-grubber, but it seems she's only gotten worse! Maybe some fisticuffs will encourage her to change her mind."

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