Hayley leaned forward as Elijah's back faced us while he looked at the drawings, "You need to tell him" She whispered.

"I can't, he'll hate me" I whispered back

"Come on, Belle, grow some balls and tell hi-"

"One wouldn't require supernatural hearing to overhear the two of you. Are you aware that your whispers are just about as loud as my speaking tone?" Elijah questioned, his back was still facing us.

I sighed, "There's something you need to know"

Before I had the chance to tell him the room started to shake. I stood up and watched as books fell from the shelves and the lamp on the desk fell to the floor.

The three of us walked out onto the landing overlooking the courtyard, where Rebekah looked around in confusion, "What the hell is going on?"

"Davina" I turned to my left and saw that Klaus and Marcel had also walked out to the landing.

How could Davina be responsible for a freaking earthquake?


I WAS EAVESDROPPING AS ELIJAH, KLAUS AND MARCEL TALKED. I watched as Elijah stepped out in the hallway where I was waiting.

"You're going to see Sophie"

"You don't have to eavesdrop. I keep nothing from you" he started to walk.

"Yeah, well, if you're going to see Sophie, there's something that you should know" I walked beside him, talking as fast as I could, "Sophie called me and asked for a favour. She promised me that she would help break the curse that Marcel put on my people in exchange for some information. And I didn't think anything of it, but then Davina started drawing those pictures of Celeste—"

Elijah stopped walking, "Whatever this is, you have to tell me"

I sighed, "Sophie wanted to find Celeste's remains, so I went through your journals, and I found out where you buried her, and then I told her. I know it was stupid and it was snoopy and I should have just asked you"

Elijah stared at me, a look of betrayal on his face. "She wanted to be left in peace. When a witch's remains are consecrated, that power fuels the rest of their community. Celeste did not want her remains to be found. She made me promise to bury her where she would not be found. You not only violated my privacy, you have broken my promise to her"

"I thought they were just bones, Elijah" I told him

"If you truly believed that, why didn't you ask me where to find her?" Elijah turned around and walked away.

I betrayed him but I did it for my family.


I ENTERED MY BEDROOM AFTER THE TALK WITH ELIJAH. I threw myself onto the bed and groaned, annoyed.

"So you told him?" I turned around and saw my best friend in the doorway, "Yup"

She sat down on the bed, "And it went to hell?"

"Yup" I replied.

Hayley chuckled, "Are you pissed?"

I sat up, "No, I did it for our families. I did it so that my babies can have someone on their maternal side. So that none of us would be alone"

"Well, you and the babies aren't alone, you have me" Hayley smiled.

"Auntie Hayley" I laughed

She looked at her phone, "Looks like it's time for auntie Hayley to head" I looked at her, "Where are you going?"

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 // 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now