十六 | Fresh Start

339 17 3

No ones pov

A girl with long black messy hair let out a small groan as she sat up on her bed.
"Did I sleep very long?" she asked herself as she rubbed her tired eyes.

"Where am I?" she asked then, the room she was in was empty.
Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with memories that played in her head causing her to place a hand on her forehead.

After the memories finished playing, she looked at her hand and rolled up her sleeve of the light blue clothing to look at her arm.

She then noticed something ticklish so she moved her other hand inside the sleeve and found a red feather.

She inspected it before placing it on her bed. Then she got up and almost tripped.
She walked towards the door and immediately closed her eyes due to the very bright sunlight touching her face.

She held her palm up to the sun and stared at the back of her hand.

"I wonder where everyone is..." she said and started to walk barefeet around the familiar estate. Many butterflies caught her interest causing her to stare at them in awe while walking and she bumped into a person.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking..." the girl apologised.

"N-Natori?" Kanao dropped the object she held.

"Hi!" Natori smiled, "Sorry if I startled you-"

Kanao grabbed her hand and pulled her along with her. "Natori is awake!" she yelled.

They stopped avoiding Inosuke who almost tackled Kanao down, "It was about time Naoli!" he shouted.

"Inosuke! You almost ran into them, slow down!" Zenitsu shouted.

"And it's Natori, Inosuke!" Tanjiro corrected him who arrived.

"Good morning, Natori!" Nezuko added.

Natori pulled them into a hug and since she was taller than them, Zenitsu's face turned red. "I'm glad you all are alright, Kanao come, I want to hug you too."

More loud footsteps came closer so she broke the hug first and watched who was coming.

Shinobu was the first one to arrive, "Ara, you're finally awake Natori!"

The said girl hugged her too before asking, "Finally? How long did I sleep?"

"More than a month now."


"Everyone visited everyday in case you might wake up and it seems like their patience has paid off." Shinobu turned around and looked at her colleagues who also arrived.

"Kyaaa! Natori! You're finally up and you're so pretty!" Mitsuri embraced her, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" she replied, "M-Mitsuri you're crushing me."

"Oh! Sorry!" she let her go and now everyone approached her and said how they were all glad the she finally woke up.

"Slow down everyone, we shall let the patient rest, she just woke up." Shinobu said.

"Oh don't worry Shinobu, I don't think I want to go back to bed. I'm fine!" she replied, "By the way, where's Kyojuro?"

"He couldn't come today, I think he's still helping Ruka-san with groceries now." Tengen replied, "Also, Senjuro misses you too, you should go to them."


"Senjuro ~" Natori chirped behind the said boy.

His songbird [R. Kyojuro × Oc] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ