"I don't think so, Clairessa," Darrian repiled.

"You know they should make it be the right term of better. Kind of like they should for bertterest," I said.

"Well, we're off to class, Darrian. Come on Katrina."

"See you later Darrian," I said as I hugged him.

"Yeah. You guys meet me at the library after your lunch. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Clairessa and I repiled .

"And so ladies and gentelmen, if you only pay closer attention, you will be able to copy the notes I had written down to your benefit..."

Mr. Nickson kept on blabbering on and on about how he takes time in the period to write notes on the board so we know what to do to figure out the answers to the endless formulas he gives us. How we should take advantage of that so we don't...fail, for lack of a better word, on quizes and tests. He obviously didn't understand that the teenage mind is uncaring in this stupid school filled with creatures that normal people know as mythical. Why couldn't Mr. Nickson just have us watch 'Numbers'?

After the fifty minutes, which felt like a decade, of math class the bell rang; signaling next period, which happens to be Clairessa's and I lunch period. The class gathered up their books and such and headed out into the hall way.

"Oh. My. Fudge-sicle," Clairessa exclaimed. "Could that have gone any slower?"

"Don't jynx it, Clairessa!"

"What?" She replied innocently.

"This school is beyond normal; one period could end up lasting a century," I hissed.

"A century? Don't you think that is a bit too dramatic?"

"Nooooo," I drawled out.

"Huh-uh, sure," Clairessa sarcasticly repiled back.

We put our belongings into our locker and headed to the human commons. As promised by oh-so-faithful Darrian, german chocolate cake was for desert. Clairessa and I sat at our usual table, which was directly infront of the gymnasium's double doors. I, being very hungry, had two slices of pizza, a small bag of flaming hot cheetos, a bottle of Mountain Dew, cake, and orange Gaderade. Clairessa, always the health freak, had a grilled chicken salad, bottled water, an apple, protein bar, and a tiny piece of my cake. We were talking about the homecoming dance, which all students at MHA are able to attend.

"I can't believe that Headmaster Jaxon denied my pleas for the dance to be for us humans only. He's your father; he might listen to you. Can you please ask him to keep the freaks out of it?" Clairessa refered the other students who are not human as freaks. She loathed the "special" students with a passion.

"No, I can't. You know this. All of the Headmasters had come together and put their feet down. This is an occision to which we all interact with the other flips. I'm sorry, Clairessa."

"Yeah I know. Just wishful thinking...," she paused. "So. What are you wearing to the dance?"

"You know, I have yet to go shopping for it. Wanna come with?"


The bell rang signaling our next period, gymnastics.

"We'll go right after all of our classes, okay?" I gathered my trash and threw it away.

"Yeah. That's fine. Oh. Tell Mrs. Parker that i'll be late to class. Tell her it's lady problems," Clairessa said.

"Okay. What is it really, though?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2009 ⏰

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