"Hey lil listner c'mere." Hizashi hugs Hitoshi gently guiding him over to the pull-out bed in the room for visitors to sleep on it's been an exhausting few hours on top of an already emotionally draining day so soon Hitoshi is fast asleep curled up and clinging to Hizashi's arm like a Koala it's adorable.

"Remember when he could barely get within a few feet of us without flinching? It feels like ages ago the lil listener has grown a lot and now we have Ren, that years-old wound that Oboro's death left finally closed, you smile again Sho- not just smiling but laughter I guess karma finally decided to stop being a bitch to others and do somthin productive? We definitely have some good karma after all the hero work and rotten luck we've had." Hizashi looks over his kids and husband a soft expression reserved for them when his eyes meet Shota's they're met with a similar gaze pure vulnerable love for their little family Ren whines in her sleep kicking with her good leg, it must be a nightmare.

Ren had fallen asleep new Dad was right there and Papa and Hitoshi were on the couch thing, she was safe he had promised so why was everything so dark, why did she feel like the shadows were suffocating her and why did her ears keep ringing? There are whispers that circle her the disappointment of her mother Razor's face peeking through a window, new Dad laying there dead bloody, and cut up by her shadows while Razors laughs.

"N-no!!!!! P-please..." Shouta's full attention is immediately drawn completely to Ren when she starts hyperventilating and screams in her sleep he sits up gently propping her head up as well before tapping her shoulder.

"Hey, kiddo it's just a dream wake up." The only response Shota gets is more whimpers and kicks. Well that clearly isn't working, he shares the shoulder but she still won't wake up so finally he shakes her shoulder a bit harder Ren's eyes fly open though they dart around unseeing.

"Hey, kid it's me, you're safe with me at the hospital Hitoshi and Hizashi are right over on the couch we're all here and safe." Ren hears a couple of words but that isn't what calms her, the touch and the voice that accompanies it, he's not dead, he's right there and still wants her she starts breathing like Papa had taught her to calm down. Once her vision clears she can see Papa and Dad at some point Papa comes over leaving Hitoshi asleep. She's sandwiched between her parents and after that nightmare, she can't think of a better place in the world. 

"I love you, Papa... Dad, Ren mumbles half asleep though this causes Shota to freeze Ren had yet to use those titles out loud for them but... He feels warmth bloom in his chest, she trusts them, when he glances at his daughter she's already fallen back asleep the warmth of the hug is too inviting for the exhausted child to stay awake.

"Did the little listener just...?" Shota nods looking down at the sleeping child. He takes a deep breath and then hands Hizashi a paper. It's a list of medical needs Ren has, he hadn't wanted to share it while the kids were awake but now they're asleep Hizashi needs to know.

"Wow her leg is really fucked up huh? Should we be trying to take her into UA with us that may not be the best idea..." Shota pauses for a moment, he trusts his remaining students this year.

"No my three remaining students have potential, injuries and trauma victims come with the career they should all know how to be civil my main concern frankly is other classes, my class comes back from break earlier than everyone else though so I can do a test and see how Ren reacts... Zashi I know we got attached easily but if we can't take care of her the logical thing would be finding a family that can." Hizashi shakes his head looking hurt.

"No we can and will make this work for the little listener's sake she needs to be somewhere safe and what safer place is there than UA especially since Nezu is oddly possessive of his staff and our families nobody is going to raise a hand or other appendage against her and get away intact. Also, she trusts us, and I refuse to break that. Shota rolls his eyes this is incredibly irrational but...

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