I want to eat mooncakes, sahyung...

Depuis le début

Even the Elders caught up to his weird change of personality. During lunch, Cheongmyeong was eating so little… he didn’t take any seconds. He also refused to drink alcohol.

Cheongmyeong refusing alcohol? That’s absurd.

Is the world coming to an end?

After lunch, the Elders and the Ogum were having a meeting in regards to the Cheon Woo Meng, and the Ten Great Sect's name was mentioned... (just gonna imply that they're doing something dirty to the alliance again, won’t elaborate) But this time, Cheongmyeong was in a daze and wasn't paying attention. By now he would've thrown a tantrum, cursed their asses, and made a huge fuss about burning their sect and slicing their heads off.

But not even a sound or a complaint. He was too calm, and frankly, it was unnerving.

The meeting finished peacefully for the first time in a long time.

It was just then as everybody stood up and Jangmunin wanted to ask if something was wrong, Cheongmyeong's breathing was a little heavy. The Ogum was beginning to go near him and asked if he was okay. At that moment Cheongmyeong collapsed before their very eyes and he fell forward.

Everybody in the room panicked, the person who caught him was Hyun Jong and Baek Cheon. All of them were alarmed at what was happening as Cheongmyeong just fainted in their arms. Hyun Jong shouted, "Somebody call the doctors! Now!"

Hyun Young was worried, approaching Cheongmyeong quickly. The Ogum had witnessed Cheongmyeong faint before, but it was only when he was heavily injured and was bleeding out a large amount of blood. However.. this was the first time the Elders had witnessed him faint.

Cheongmyeong's back looked a little smaller from their view. Because of his actions and personality in the past few years, they forgot how he's the youngest in the entire sect...

Cheongmyeong continued to breathe heavily and Baek Cheon carried him in his arms straight into the medical ward. Everyone was in a frenzy.

“Sago, what happened to him?!”

“I don’t know!”

“Soso- Where’s Soso!”

“Sahyung run faster!”

“Amitabha… Shizu.. why did he suddenly-”

They all rushed to where the medical room was located and was terribly anxious. Baek Cheon who was ahead of them went a little faster. As he did that, he kept calling his name.

“Cheongmyeong… Cheongmyeong you’re going to be alright. Just- Just hold on a little longer. Please.”

But there was no answer. Baek Cheon bit his lips as he took a glimpse at him and then forward.

He ran together with the elders and the Ogum. The other disciples realized the tension in the air. They witnessed a group of people running and thought something strange was taking place.

The group finally entered the room and Baek Cheon carefully placed him on the bed. The Ogum might hate Cheongmyeong's way of training them to a pulp, but he is still their sajil and saje... Hyun Young immediately asked the doctors what was wrong after a few minutes of checking up, frantically wanting to know what happened.

"C-Cheongmyeong! Ah, my baby! What's happening to him?? How is a doctor so slow?!"

"Calm down elder! The doctors are doing the best as you can see?" Yoon Jong said as the others tried to placate him.

"Calm down?? Calm down?! My Cheongmyeong just fainted and you want me to calm down ?!" Hyun Young's face was distorted and filled with worry.

"Hyun Sang, get him out of the room."

I want to eat mooncakes, sahyung...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant