Meat and Greet

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Warnings: Kidnapping, Drugging,swearing

I threw my head back and let out a sigh, placing my hand on the key and turning off the car. 

'I hope this goes well and I find what I'm looking for.'

I reluctantly get out of the car and walk up the driveway. 

I was meeting with Mr. Spencer Charnas about the disappearance of a few girls in a nearby area. Charnas is one of the main suspects. Why am I going alone in the house of a potential kidnapper and or murder? Well to get the latest scoop on the kidnapping case! What would any other good reporter do?

I walk to the front door. 'here gose nothing' I sigh once more before Knocking. 

On the second knock a man about 6 feet maybe a little shorter with dark short hair answers the door. "Good afternoon I'm looking for a Mr. Spencer Charnas!" "Im him." He answers with a slight kind smile. "Oh well I'm Y/N L/N with The Haddonfield Press! I believe we talked on the phone correct?" "Yes! It's a pleasure to meet you Mx. L/N! Please come in!" I nod and walk through the door with Spencer following not to far behind. 

" just go straight and take a seat on the sofa. Would you like anything to drink Mx?" "Sure!" I say taking a seat on the black leather sofa. "What do you got?" "Well I have water and tea that's about it." He chuckled, " I haven't been able to get to the store lately. It's kinda hard to leave the house when everyone thinks you kidnap people." He chuckles sadly "I'll take some tea." I smile back sadly "okay two teas coming right up!" He says trying to sound more cheerful. I nod and take out my notebook and everything else I need to start writing notes.

 Not too long passes before Spencer comes back with two mugs of tea. "Here you go Mx." He says handing me the warm mug and taking a seat in the chair in front of me. “Thank you!” I say taking the mug and taking a sip after he takes a drink out of his own mug. 

‘He wouldn't drug an entire thing of tea would he. Would he?’ I cleared my throat and began the interview. “So Spencer… may I call you Spencer?” “You sure can!” he smiles “Okay, so Spencer I am here to try to get your side of the alleged kidnapping, Let's start with a simple one shale we?” “I would like that very much.” he lets out an almost nervous laugh.”So did you do it?” you look at him and giggle. He laughs with you.

 “Well what do you think? I mean you're the one who came to the house of an alleged kidnapper alone, might I add.” my heart feels like it skips a beat. “W-what? I never told you..” I trail off feeling suddenly dizzy, my vision begins to double. “What were you saying Y/N?” I can't see much but I can tell that Spencer had an evil smirk on his face. “W-what did you do to me…?” That's all I could get out before everything went dark. 

When I wake up all I see is darkness. “What the fuck?” “Ah! Y/N you're awake!” the voice of Spencer booms from above me. Wait? Above me? I look up and with the faint light I see Spencer. “WHAT THE FUCK SPENCER?!” “Oh love what's wrong?” He asks with mock kindness. “Warre the fuck am I Spencer?” I respond with more calmly. “Well you're in the pit that's dug in the floor of my basement.” “YOU ACT LIKE THATS A NORMAL FUCKING THING!”

 He shrugs and walks away. “Wait! Don't go!” “Why? Are you scared?” He teses. “No.. I just want to know why you kidnapped me? I mean like i was trying to clear your name, and how you repay me is throw me in a fucking hole in the ground?” “Well my friend… You're here because you intrigue me Mx. L/N. I have been reading your articles in The Haddonfield Press for a while. I got to say I'm a big fan of your work! But by far my favroit article you have writen is the one about how the Dhamer series effected the family’s of his victums, I mean that guy was realy fucked up!” “And YOUR NOT?” “Let me finish!” Spencer snaps. If i wernt scared i sure a fuck was now. He sighs “As I was saying I love your work and when you called about an interview well I couldn't resist taking you for myself.” He chuckles.

 Tears threatened my eyes. “Oh don't cry my love! I won't hurt you, I would never do anything to harm you because I love you.” a moment of silence fell upon the two of us. “Well imma turn in for the night. Goodnight my love.” Without another word he left the side of the pit and I heard a door open and then slam shut, dirt falling from the dirt walls of the pit coating the top of my head with dirt causing me to cough. I finally take a look at my surroundings. There's a dirty looking mattress in the corner of the pit with a bottle of water next to it. As I pick up the bottle of water I find a note taped to it. It reads 

‘Stay hydrated my love!’ ~ S

I roll my eyes and take the note off and throw it as far away from me as possible. “Fuck it” i say sitting on the mysteryus mattress. I lay down and close my eyes ‘this is going to be interesting.” I sigh for drifting off to sleep.

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