The sun, moon and stars

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As the morning sun glistened in I looked at her beautiful face, she looked slightly worried when she sleeps. I sneaked out of bed and crept quietly out of the room.  Walking down the hall to my personal quarters in Paisley I was going to wake her up with her favourite beverage, hot chocolate. As I stood waiting on the kettle to boil a familiar face popper round the kitchen entrance.

"Hey brother what's happening?" Kip said loudly. Kip was the keyboardist, vocalist and dancer in my band the NPG. "I'm great man. What has you here today" I kinda sighed. I was hoping Ty and me could spend yet another day together.

"Well tour is coming up? Me and the guys are gonna start setting up now". I poured the kettle into our cups mine tea with a litre honey and lemon, Tys was hot chocolate like I said. I didn't reply to kil because I was already slightly confused at myself.

Why did I not want to rehearse for tour? Even when I was married I would still yearn to record and rehearse constantly. But with tyla all I wanted to be was arms length if that was all she'd allow and id be happy to melt into her aura.

"Brotha?" Kip slightly chuckled. "Sorry I got a lot on my mind right now man" I said with a slight smile. Kip butted in right away.

"We talk man! Kirk has been spreading a little rounder about a fine young skinny girl he saw you at glam slam with"

"I don't know what your talking about" I smirked and with that Kip let out a sarcastic laugh that made me chuckle.

I always have gotten along with kip from I met him. "If your not at rehearsal by an hour I'll throw a search party" he laughed as I headed out the door.

Placing our drinks on the bed side table I got back into bed and spooned Tyla, kissing her neck gently to awaken her. She grunted slightly making me smile a beaming grin.

"Ok ok I'm awake" she yawned. "I made you your favourite" I whispered kissing her ear. Right away her eyes shot open and lit up with excitement. As she sat up I handed her it off the night stand "careful now".

She took a sip leaving the froff of milk on her lips. Leaning in I licked it off of her earning a little gasp. "I have rehearsal, feel freee to join me... I'd like you to meet the band" I beamed.

Walking into the sound stage, Tyla in hand the sound of both of our heels filled the room as the entire band stared at Ty, some including Kip, Kirk and Morris stared with lust, this made me slightly annoyed.

There and then to display my dominance I pulled her by her waist and kissed her sloppily. "Sit there baby, we shouldn't be too long"

I smiled at the guys before tuning my guitar up, right away we started with a new song. Inspired by Tyla herself... The sun, The moon and stars.

The music blared out of the sound of our instruments and I stared into her eyes, she smiled back excitedly.

That's one thing I fell deeply in love with,  with Tyla she feels deeply about what she does, she loves music more than anything, and it makes me so intrigued and excited.

"It's late and I'm running out of clever things to say...
The kind that will bring a girl like you to tears
There's only one more
glass of this rosé
Let's throw it on the fire
with our past

And dance the night
away until
The sun, the moon and
Don't seem as far as
they did yesterday
The sun, the moon and stars
In love we are forever, always"

I could see her eyes fill, but we hadn't broke eye contact.

"It's late and I think it's about time for you and me to get closer
To get closer than we ever did before
Whenever there's a tide you can let it ride inside your interior
Lay back, relax upon my shore,
Ooh baby, I want to make love to you right here
One inside the other one, no fear, we're here until
The sun, the moon and stars
Don't seem as far as they did yesterday
The sun, the moon and stars
In love we are forever, always.'

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