Chapter 2: Acceptance

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This is going to be interesting when we wakes up.



Ah, fuck. Did I not die?

Wait, where am I?


On a medical bed, looks to be a hospital, I'm- I'm restrained?

Did the Radiants find me? Please no, why couldn't I have just died?


The door opens.


Walking directly in front of me?

I pull on my handcuffs as hard as I can, I need to kill her!

"Hey, you just woke up, calm down."

I need to fucking murder her!

"Did you hear me, calm down! Those chains are imbued with radinaite, you're not going to break them."


Fuck. FUCK. She's right here!

Why can't I just kill her?

"Are you mocking me?" I spit out.

"What?" This lying little...

"I said, are you mocking me? Restraining me on this bench and acting like you're innocent."

She looks confused for a second, but picks her disgusting face back up.

"I forgot, you're from Omega Earth." What? Is she fucking crazy?

"Omega Earth is a parallel dimension to ours, Alpha Earth. I and many others have mirror versions of ourselves in this other world. This mirror me appears to be unsavory-

"Shut the fuck up you lying bitch." I tell her straight, "You're really making up this whole story just to play with me some more? Shouldn't you be out and reviving some radiant fuckers so they can kill another thousand humans?!"


She looks actually shocked I just said that. Is- Is she actually telling the truth?

No, she can't be, wait if I say...

"Never Break the Chain." I say to her as clearly as I can.

"What?" She looks at me confused, is-is she telling the truth?

"Never Break the Chain." Every radiant fucker who hears this gets unreasonably pissed, but she's just confused. Is this really a different Sage?

Deep Breath.


"Alright, I'll calm down for now. Explain your story."

I just want to curse her out, everything she's done... God! Fuck!

"O-Okay." She says, "Well there is a world parallel to ours, with copies of ourselves and most people there. You came from that world, and it seems that the version of me and other radiniates there are beyond evil, and you have a bad history with them."

"They murdered for sport, and you facilitated everything."

"W-Well we're not like that, on Alpha Earth. Please believe us."

I breathe out like I have a cigarette in my mouth.

What other choice do I have? I should be dead anyway. These fucking radiants.

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