Chapter One

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- elizabeth -

I had a dream this was all a dream and it could easily fit like a glove, that notion. Waking up in a world that not a single human inhibited, without a single memory to trace from my human life, there was no time for questions to be asked, nor was there time for this life to be second guessed. It was a grapevine swing into Vextron. Vextron was where I lived now, and my past life was the dust in the wind.

It was the same for me everyday living on the East of Vextron in my bungalow that hovered over streets. It was waking up to feed the cats Fern and Max whenever they'd come around which was often in the early AM, brushing my teeth, showering, and making my favorite avocado toast. I'd then walk to the ocean coast where I could journal all my airy thoughts, perhaps go on a grocery run once in awhile, and levitate back to my bungalow where I'd aimlessly wonder about my silver anatomy. I'd spend hours looking at myself in the mirrors, gazing into my metal core and before i knew it the evening rolled around swiftly.

I was a homebody in all honesty, for the most part. Though despite this, my heart could never resist the ocean, I went to the shore whenever I felt like my heart could overflow. The ocean spoke to me, brought me into tranquility and the ocean reminded me I was home.

I sat out on the balcony. The sky was filled with the usual traffic of busy levitating cars that moved in currents traced in blue and white light, winds taking each vehicle where they needed to be.

This was my home. Vextron. Though my heart felt like it could belong elsewhere, some days. It was deeply depressing, that the sinking would send me into a new day where things felt perfectly fine.

It took me several months. In the several of these months, I realized there was no way I could find the memories from earth. Earth was my home too, but that was all I could remember. It was the only conclusion I landed to in the mind's array of virtual intelligence. I'd flip through holograms after holograms, pulling them into the atmosphere of my own home, but all I could come across was a picture perfect catalog of Vextron. Hauntingly and happily, I knew that this life couldn't get any better—eventually. After seasons of devastated tears, waking up in cold sweats after horrendous and chilling nightmares, and empty days, I knew I had to move on somehow. I couldn't be stuck in this paradigm rehashing over memories that no longer was there. I had presumed that my existence as a robot was the very reason why, and no further explanation could be fathomed. I was healing from the mysterious unknown, whatever the unknown was. Perhaps it was a family I never got to know, or a lover. Though each time I tried to look, it pained me to my core. I left a giant hole in the wall from frustration when my first instinct was to lunge an iron fist into the delicate ceramic. Everything was blocked off when it came to past memories.

Suddenly my phone rings and I decided to answer it. With a swift motion of my hand I pull up the hologram and press the accept button. It was Mazzy, one of my best friends.

"Hey." Her brown eyes gazed into mine longingly. She had missed me.

"Hey." I replied, sending her a smile.

"So how do you feel about heading out tonight?" She asked me again. This hadn't been the first time she asked me, and I had yet to decide if this would be yet again another time I'd turn her down.

"Where?" I questioned softly, feeling tired as the cityscape relaxed me.

"Dot's. It's a six story bar in the Southside."

I stayed silent for a moment. Was I ready to go out into the nightlife? I genuinely wondered. The nightlife in Vextron was enticing and quite the sultry experience as far as I've heard. It was thrills on thrills.

"I feel like it'd be a thousand more light years before I'd ever go out. Sorry to break it to you." I responded, aloof.

"Look, Elizabeth. Mourning your own death another day, another light year at that, what's that going to do?"

"I..." I was caught in a place of not knowing what to say. "I don't know."

"This is where you belong." She reassured me. "And you know it too. Your Silver Heart knows it too."

I felt tears well in my sad eyes. "I just don't understand why we can't remember."

"It's every reason to waste the night away isn't it? So go to Dot's with me Elizabeth. Come on, you never know what a spontaneous night can do when it comes to healing from this." Mazzy encouraged me. And I loved her for lifting the spirits in me. I truly did.

I felt my heart tug, and suddenly it just clicked. I had to go out with her tonight. It was worth a shot.


"We leave at 8."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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