Fade Into You | DRW

Start from the beginning

You climbed into your car and checked your phone, but you were met with another staggering disappointment. No text messages were received from the one person you'd hoped to hear from, so you clicked on his contact. Instead of waiting on a word from him, you called him, first. The phone rang for a moment, leaving you wondering if he was going to answer. As you listened to the dial tone, anxiety bubbled in your chest, fearing that you were interrupting something important. Just as you were getting ready to hang up, his cheery voice filled the stale air.

"Hi, beautiful." Danny greeted. You could hear the smile in his words. His cheery tone eased your worry of him not wanting to talk to you. As ridiculous as the fear was, your brain wouldn't give it up. You were constantly nervous that you were interrupting, or being a burden, and days like this one only made your brain scream it even louder.

"Hi," You sighed, feeling your lips upturn into a little grin. It was the first time you'd done anything but frown all day. You slipped your car keys into the ignition, allowing your call to connect to the Bluetooth feature. "I miss you." You said, unable to hold the confession back.

"I miss you," He replied, sincerity dripping from his tone. "You okay?" He knew you well enough to tell your mood just from the tone of voice. He was nothing if not attentive, and always willing to listen if you wanted to air out your thoughts.

"No." You were honest. "I was late to work. Slept in." You explained as you pulled out of the parking lot. He knew all too well how you felt about your boss, not needing to ask about his reaction. "I think it's just another one of those days," you mumbled. He gave a hum of understanding, also aware of how much your bad days could affect you. "Any chance you can meet me for lunch? I know it's a long shot, but I could really use a hug." You felt guilty for even asking, but you couldn't help it. He was your comfort person, and he always seemed to make the bad feelings go away.

"I'm sorry, baby. I would if I could, but we're at the studio right now. We have a meeting right after we finish up, too." He sounded sad for having to turn you down, almost making you feel even worse for asking. You hated when was upset, and knowing that he was upset on behalf of how you were feeling didn't make it any better.

"That's okay," you knew it was a big ask, and you also knew he would absolutely be on his way if the situation allowed it. "I'm okay with just hearing your voice."

"Promise I'll make it up to you tonight?" He asked, hopeful.

"Don't have to make it up to me." You laughed. "It's not your fault."

"I'll bring home dinner, and we can do whatever you want." He told you, not willing to bargain.

"Okay." You conceded, pulling into a cafe you frequented.

"I'm sorry I was gone before you woke up. We wanted to get here early so we could get as much done as possible."

"I know, you don't have to apologize, baby." You repeated your earlier reassurance, hating the fact that he always felt like he had to apologize, even when there was nothing to apologize for. You never wanted him to feel remorseful over things he couldn't control. He put so much effort into you and your happiness, but for some reason it seemed like he felt the need to give even more. "As long as I get you all to myself tonight, I don't care." You parked, unbuckling your seatbelt.

"You can always have that, bug. I'm all yours, remember?" He assured you. You smiled at the words, eternally grateful to have someone as kind as him.

"I'm gonna go eat, I won't keep you any longer. I love you."

"I love you, baby. I can't wait to see you later." The sincerity was thick in his tone, wanting you to know he meant it. "I hope your afternoon goes better than the morning."

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