"Come clear Yimli. Why do you have this ring ? Did you meet Jia-li that night ?" Yuzu asks again.

"This ring isn't mine." Yimli glares at her brother.

Yuzu frowns "I also believe it isn't yours."

"Then whose is it ?" Zixuan walks in the room finally. "You are being fooled by your sister Yuzu."

Yuzu shakes his head "I am not. Yimli came into this palace ten days after Jia-li's death. If it was her ring , she wouldn't bring it all the way here."

"maybe she forget about it."

"They found it on her dressing table." Yuzu retorts "someone is trying to frame her."

"Who could it be ? Mother is in house arrest , Afreen is in prison. Tell me , who would try to frame your sister ?"

"He, himself. Now he is trying to act all good." Yimli shouts.

"SHUT UP !" Zixuan shouts back at Yimli.

Yuzu takes in a deep breath "Yimli this is serious. Who came into your room in last five days except Empress dowager and Afreen ?"

Yimli scoffs "maids who are loyal to you. Maids who blindly follows noble consort's order."

"You still want to protect her ?" Zixuan shouts at Yuzu this time. "this bitch doesn't deserve good treatments."

"You can't insult me with the word 'bitch' when your entire harem is full with bitches including your mother. I have had enough of this shit. I don't want to be an empress anymore. I am leaving." Yimli stands up but three guards circle her completely.

Yuzu looks at Xingchen who led the guards in disbelief. "You are chief minister , Xingchen. You think it's logical 'Yimli bringing this ring all the way here ?' 

Xingchen looks at Zixuan. Zixuan pulls Yuzu in his arms "I know it's hard but crime is crime , Yuzu."

"I didn't do any crime." Yimli sneers "I want to meet father." 

"Guards take her." Zixuan almost covers Yuzu's ears to prevent him from listening Yimli's swear.

"Is this how you became noble consort ? Wow , Yuzu your acting was splendid. You not only framed me but also pretended to save me. Wow... You scum ! Zubina was wrong to prefer you as empress. Soon you will eliminate her too.. just like Jia-li , Afreen and me..wow .. all your plan. I can see now."

Yuzu closes his eyes in frustration but something hits on his mind "You met Zubina ?"


"We couldn't find consort Zubina." Xingchen enters the court with a rushed breath. "She escaped."

Zixuan looks at the palace guards.

The guards kneel in fear "consort Zubina never came near the main entrance, his highness."

"THEN DID SHE VANISH IN AIR ?" Zixuan shouts. His senses are telling him something bad is going to happen.

Yuzu holds Zixuan's palm to calm his down. "Who was with her last ?"

Anaya steps forward "I was, noble consort. We were talking then we heard...."

"Heard what ?" Yuzu asks as Anaya stops in the middle.

"Empress dowager's shout. She was arguing with the guards about the arrival of ex.Consort Tao."

Yuzu looks at Zixuan.

Zixuan clicks his tongue. "She is throwing tantrums like she is being wronged. When all these mess IS BECAUSE OF HER."

"Stop shouting. What's wrong with you ? You are behaving weirdly since the ring was found." Yuzu whispers.

Zixuan clenches his fist but he stays silent. 

"Zixuan I can swear my sister isn't a murderer. She can't do it."

Zixuan looks at Yuzu for sometimes "where were you when I was senseless that day ?"

Yuzu frowns "why are you asking me that ?"

"Did you meet Jia-li after she escaped ?"

Yuzu blinks "you think I .. I killed her ?"

Zixuan pulls out the broken ring from his pocket. "It's our wedding ring. It's the ring I gave you when I married you."

Yuzu looks at the ring with wide eyes. It's indeed the ring. "Zi ..xuan , I didn't. You know I don't wear out wedding ring because it's big and I am sacred of losing it. I never."

Zixuan looks at the court ministers gossing among themselves with a blank expression. "Who can steal from you except your sister ? I am willing to believe you didn't do it , but if your sister also didn't then nobody in this palace has the audacity to steal and wear the stolen ring."

"Zubina is trying to frame me Zixuan. She is the one who said Afreen dug out the grave. So that Afreen can tell me about the ring. And then she placed the ring on my sister's room. So that you search for it .. " Yuzu sighs .

"Zixuan I know you are upset , you don't want to arrest your mother , you don't want to fight your borther and I know you hate my sister to a certain amount but please try to think logically ... Please."

Zixuan stays silent for sometimes.

Yuzu gains the courage. He needs to convince Zixuan "Zubina is Ze-min's lover and she did all these to separate us. It's easy to replace you when you ren't with me."

Zixuan nods "I am sorry. I just ... "

Yuzu smiles "it's ok! We need to find Zubina. She is the one who murdered Jia-li."

Zixuan nods again and was about to reply when one soldier runs inside court without any permission.

Zixuan frowns "what ...

"His highness ... Attack ! Someone attacked south west chamber. Consort Tao is senseless and ... And consort Zubina is murdered."

Cold sweat breaks on Yuzu's forehead. This fast ? Is it the time of another death ? But even if it is , this time who is it ?


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