Section 1

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"Mother! Mother!" The young mer prince shouted as he swam towards his mothers warm embrace.

"What is it dear?" Asked his mother patting his head as she looked down at him,
"One of the servants told me that the reason father is gone is because of you! Is that really true?" As the young mer prince said this he noticed his mothers face grow grim

"My dear child mind telling me which servant told you this?" She asked smiling as a pink and green scaled servant came through the doors, "It was her momma!" The younger prince shouted while pointing at the servant, she jumped a little when the prince said this while at the same time noticed her majesty's face grow darker

"M- m'lady is something the matter?" Asked the servant nervously as she swam closer to the two, "Yes actually" said the queen putting down the young prince, "Dear do you mind going out to play? Mama's gonna be a bit busy and she wouldn't want to make you wait in boredom while I finish up. Okay? You can do that for me right, dear?"

"Mhm, yeah! Of course momma I'd do anything for you!" Said the younger prince giving her one last hug before exiting, he stayed outside the door waiting for a little while just make sure everything would be fine.

He then heard shouting, screaming, crying, scraping sounds, and a few more, the door even got a slight red tint that came from the inside. He swam away quickly not wanting to hear anymore, he just hoped that all was okay and that nothing bad happened.


The door shut and the queen waited a few seconds before she began talking, "Tell me, why you thought it'd be a good idea to tell my dear child that the reason he has no father was because of me?" She went over to a desk and opened it up taking out a few tools that were typically used for descaling, "Speak up already!" She shouted causing the servant to flinch

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, just please don't harm me!" Pleaded the servant, "WELL IF YOU WANTED TO NOT BE HARMED THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID A SINGLE WORD TO MY SON ABOUT HIS FATHER! Guards hold her down this instant!" Commanded the queen as the guards who in the room hesitantly held down and restrained the servant.

"We are going to have so much fun, goodness I miss this feeling so very much!" Said the queen, smiling as she began scraping off the servant's scales one by one as slowly as possible, "I said hold her down!" She shouted angrily as the servant resisted as much as she could, squirming trying to break free as she screamed and cried out in agony.

The queen ripped off all of the servants' fins to prevent as much movement as possible before returning to scraping off all their servants' beautiful pink and green scales, "Such a pity really, you have such beautiful scales and fins. We can't let these go to waste can we? Might as well put on display with all of my other gorgeous collections of scales and fins." She said, stabbing the knife through the servant's chest, "Dump the body off somewhere, just make sure no one else sees it also might as well pluck out her eyes. They are very unique, her being a deep sea mer after all."

The guards did just as she asked them to and plucked out the servants eyes, the proceeded to carry her out through a back door and dismembered her body before stuffing her into a bag made of kelp and seagrass and fed her corpse to a shark that the queen kept as pet.


"Um excuse me but can you help me get to room I'm a little sleepy and my momma's busy at the moment" asked the young prince looking up at one of the many servants that roamed around the palace, "Why of course, follow me and I'll lead you to your chambers" replied the servant as he picked up the younger prince and carried him to his chambers.

"Young prince, I'm fairly new to this palace, mind telling me where your chambers may be located?" Asked the servant, "Oh yeah of course! Just keep going forward and then take a right" replied the younger prince giving out more directions as they continued on.

A little while later they made it to the young prince's chambers, "Young prince we're here now, wake up and go to bed in your room" said the servant poking a little at the prince's face to wake him, "Okay…" Replied the young prince sleepily as he rubbed his eyes a little and swam into his room and then into his bed as he fell asleep.

End Of Section 1—-----------

Once upon a time, a siren and a prince loved each other Where stories live. Discover now