raekwon/fuss & fight

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Raekwon as himself

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Raekwon as himself

Another night, another damn night he's out late again. Knowing him he prolly out with ghost hoe ass. As y/n sits on the couch drinking out a red solo cup waitin for raekwon the walk through the door she sees the doorknob twist and all he'll breaks loose.

"Wassup bo-", "COREY WOODS WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN" "I GET SO TIRED OF WAITING ALL NIGHT FOR YO ASS TO COME HOME", Recently raekwon has been out late, like really late and he doesn't realize how it affects y/n. She worries if he's out cheating,in the club or  if he's just tired of her. "I was at the studio" "Rae who have you been fucking because you smell like weed,pussy and liquor so who is she" "I ain't been fucking Nobody but you" "WHO YOU BEEN FUCKING RAE,WHOO" she says as she hits rae chest and cries. "calm down boo,sit" After she lets her anger out she sits down and he tells where he's been.

"Me and the crew was at the club,and yea I threw money at them but I didn't touch any of them hoes"she sits up and and asks him what's been on her chest.
"Do you still me"she asks with tears in her eyes "of course boo,I'm never gon stop." "That's why I ain't touch them club hoes cause I know I got my baby ain't home" "so why have you been out all the time." "Truth is the group been going through hard shit and Ian why come home and release my negative energy out on you when  you aint do nothing wrong" they talk it out and explain how everything happened."Rae promise me you'll start coming in earlier" "i promise"
"Now promise me you forgive me" "I promise".

Raekwon picks up y/n and they go finally make it upstairs to the bedroom.
Rae drops y/n on the bed and slides off each piece of clothing until she has nothing on but a red lace set. He's takes off the lace set and tells her turn over. " boo arch that shit for me" she does as told and go's into position,as she's sitting there she then feels his drooling mouth touch her pussy. "Mmm" y/n exclaims and hearing this he keeps going earning a few moans from y/n. "Ouh rae baby don't stop" those words in a way motivated to not only to keep going but to got faster,he starts to flick his tongue in a way like never before. "Cum for me boo", Rae always knew how to make her cum when he wanted,he could say when and how and and with a drop of a dime she'd be leaking. "O- oh my god" she felt her nut coming just any second now. "RAEEEEEEEEE" "you got it boo you got it". This made her cum even stronger.

After that rae comes up to her face they share a much needed kiss. "I'm sorry boo I was coming in late I should've been coming home with you instead of spending all my time with wu." "It's okay baby I forgive you,you owned up to what you did and you apologized so it's okay baby.i love you" "I love you too ma." After the long night they went into a deep slumber.



if yall ain't known y/n means your name,forgot to bring it up in thing introduction but yeah and I not really a writer so don't judge the smut writing and yeah I also wanna write more so yall can give me book ideas if yall want.

Aight peace yall💞

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