"What are we going to do about it?"

"Subjugate her, of course."

The pair walked in silence for the next fifteen seconds. The light at the end of the hallway slowly grew brighter as they neared the exit door.

"So, fill me in on this. What do we know about her, his sister? Other than whatever measly information he provided."

"Were you not briefed by my messenger, or had you not been listening to what he had to say?" the Hero chastised.

Junil frowned and looked up at the man. "I was in the middle of my medical anatomy classes when your messenger barged in and startled me. Almost spilled acid all over the table!"

Ronn glanced down at the Healer.

"I apologize for that. But, medical anatomy?" he inquired. "Do you find your healing magic to be insufficient? You are one of the best in the nation, after all."

"It's not that, I just want to find a more organic approach at healing others," she replied, in a huff. "And people were never considerate of my magical reserves. They always approached me for paper cuts or bumps on their heads, like they can't handle a little wound!"

"I understand the sentiment, but this sounds like another attempt by you to justify your use of leeches."

"Bloodletting is healthy for you."

The armored Hero shook his head. "This discussion is going off on a tangent. Back to the original subject at hand, the Demon Lord's sister."

Ronn pushed the metal grated door out of the way, as they were met with the outside. From within the cell, it would've seemed as though they were underground, but they were anywhere but. Before them sprawled an impressive city. Even from this height, anyone could see that this city prospered: The streets were paved with smooth cut stones, with buildings of increasing height as they neared the gargantuan castle they were on. Pillars of smoke rose from rows of chimneys in the distance, where the newly-emerging coal factories rose from.

"I still can't get used to this view from the Palace Spire," Junil said. Her widened eyes took in the few before her, irises flickering left and right. "Where is Skarrol, anyway? You said he was around here somewhere?"

"You wish to see him?" Ronn inquired.

"Yes. So I can tell him to give Lord Luth some water. Unlike you."

Junil could hear an audible sigh rattle from beneath the Hero's helmet.

"You shouldn't..."

"—'But I won't stop you' is what you'll say next. Ronn, I've worked alongside you for a good few years now. I think I have a good idea of what you're willing to do and not do."

Ronn shook his head. "I won't. But this is disrespectful."

The Healer huffed. "Oh, shush. Not giving someone water when they're thirsty is also disrespectful, too, but I won't hear you ever complaining about people being disrespectful to the Demon Lord."

"Miss Junil..."

Most others would've stopped there, if the Hero were to say their name in such a manner. But, as Junil had said earlier, she knew Ronn well enough as to how far she could push.

"...Either way, I must talk with Skarrol, too. Administrative matters," Ronn said.

The two, who had stopped to admire the sights before them, detoured to a heavy wooden door that was near the metal grated door they just stepped through. It was the entrance to another cell.

The differences between the Demon Lord's cell and this cell was noticeable the moment the two stepped through. Aside from the heavy wooden door, which allowed a degree of privacy, said wooden door was not even locked. There was even a large window at the end of the room, though it would have been more accurate to say that an entire wall was missing. A fabric tarp covered it up, allowing only a sliver of sunlight to flow through.

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