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Eliza's Point of View

Groaning I tried sitting up but immediately felt extremly lightheaded. Putting my hand to my head I fell back on the pillow. Looking around I finaly took in my surroundings; I was in what was obviously a small hospital room, hooked up to a monitar and an IV, with blood in it...b-blood... I gasped rembering what happened to me. My hands flew to my neck, bandaged, lots of bandages.

I heard the door open and in walked.... a nurse, " Oh good you're awake!" she said in an overly friendly pixie like voice. She started flitting about me, checking the IV and stuff like that.

"So um, who brought me here?" I asked, man I sounded like I swallowed razor blades.

"Well," she said delicately placing her finger to her lips, thinking. "Oh yes! It was your friend Henery. Poor thing was worried sick. No more walks in the forest at night for you, Doctor's orders."

"Oh." I said, though it came out sounding like a growl. Henery? Who the hell is Henery? "Um is he still here? I'd like to speak with him."

"I believe he's in the waiting room, been there all night he has. I'll get him once we're finished here." She chirped with a smile on her face that never seemed to faulter.

After a few more minutes of 'checking and prepping' as the cheery nurse called it, she practically skipped out of the room saying that "Henery" would be in in a few. I sat there playing with the sheets, did my parents know I was here? No. It's Saturday they both work all day then meet up afterwards for dinner, they wouldn't be home till at least 11:00. Neither of them would have checked my room before leaving since we'd had a fight the night before. Ugh, and it's not like I could call them (thank you no technology for two weeks!). I mean they wouldn't leave me without communication completely, we had a landline; not that it did me much good now. It's not like they expected me to go anywhere anyway.

Someone cleared their throat across the room from me, I looked up...Jeff stared back at me. "Did the sheets do something to offend you?" he asked pointing to my hands that were all but ripping the thin covers apart. I glanced down at my hands then back up at him, shaking a little. That nervous feeling was back; sucking in a breath I prepared to either scream or laugh, I honesty didn't know which it was gonna be. Just as I was about to let it out Jeff was right there in front of me, clamping a hand over my mouth.

"Don't start laughing again." he whispered then thought, "And don't start screaming either." When he was sure I was completely compliant he removed his hand and stroked my cheek instead. I froze and looked up at him in shock. It was then that he seemed to realize what he was doing and let his hand fall limply to his side. His face didn't seem all that scarry in the light. The carved smile permnatly set in his cheeks actually seemed...kinda cute. The whole 'no eyelids' thing, from where he burnt them off, unless you starred at him it almost looked like some weird form of eyeliner, almost.

Clenching his fists he grabbed the chair beside the bed and moved it so it was faceing me and sat down. Putting his hoodup and his head down, I assumeed he was trying to fall asleep. "Um...J-Jeff?" I asked hesitently, not wanting to upset him.

"Hm?" he grunted not looking up.

"How'd I get here?" I avoided the big question.

"I carried you." He said ominously with a slight smile on his face. Snapping back he rushed, " And if anyone asks, we were hiking when you tripped,l and rolled down a hill. Cut your neck on a branch or something."

"Oh." I sighed. "Jeff?"

"Yes?" he chuckled dragging the word out a little.

"Why'd you let me live?" I had to ask it sooner or later.

The small smile fell from his face and was replaced by what I guess passed as a frown for him, "I don't know." the way he said it seemed so...sad. Before I realized it I was reaching for his hand. He looked up at me with this conflicted expression on his face, like he was waging some inner war. I started to pull my hand back, but he grabbed it and held it in both of his. Bringing it to his mouth he carefully planted a kiss on my knunckels. Raising his eyes to mine he smiled, even beyond his permante one.


Hey guys,  I know there arn't many of you out there but I appriciate you reading this! I know it's a little mushy now, but I promise it WILL spice up soon...

So COMMENT please, I apprciate feedback of any kind. (good, bad, random,) Send something my way!

Loves <3! Keep Smiling ;)

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