Izuku: W-what's the point if I can't save people though?

Chiyo: Izuku Rag Doll and Mandalay both save people all the time. Plus there's Eraser head. His quirk lets him cancel other people's quirks. He takes out villains with his tools. Eraser Head! That's who I should have gotten you to meet! He wanted to be a hero like you Izuku but he failed the entrance exam.

Izuku: He failed? How is he a hero then?

Chiyo: He won the sports festival and got transferred to the hero course. He didn't give up even after things looked grim. You can't give up either.

Izuku: O-okay granny Chiyo I won't give up, but I don't think I could win the sports festival.

Chiyo: It might be risky, but I have an old friend who could train you. And your quirk would be perfect for how he fights.

Inko: What do you mean risky?

Chiyo: Izuku would have to leave on a long trip for starters. And I honestly don't know what he'd be doing.

Izuku: I-if it can make me stronger so I can be a hero I want to try!

Inko: Izuku... alright I'm in. Can we count on this friend of yours?

Chiyo: Yes I saved his life. He owes me a big favor.

Inko: Go ahead and get in contact with him.

Chiyo: Alright I will. It will take some time for him to get here. Izuku you'll need to continue your exercises and weight lifting until he shows up.

Izuku: Okay granny Chiyo!

One month later

Chiyo: Izuku my friend will be here today.

Izuku: Really?! I'm going to get to meet my new Sensai! I've been waiting so long for this moment! I wonder what he's like!

Chiyo: He's eccentric but don't let that fool you. He's a retired professional you can really learn a lot from him. *Knock knock*

Inko: That must be him now. I'll get it.

Inko opens the door to see an old man with a pompadour. It was also pretty obvious he was drunk.

Jiro: Hello there young lady. Is Chiyo here?

Chiyo: Jiro It's been too long come on in!

Inko: Mom when you said eccentric I didn't think you meant drunk.

Chiyo: Hush now Inko be a dear and pour us some of the wine I brought.

Jiro: Oh Chiyo you didn't have to get me some more of life's blood.

Inko: Mom? Do you honestly expect me to entrust my baby to this man?

Chiyo: It's for Izuku's sake dear. He's my grand-baby too you know I wouldn't put him in any needless danger. What took so long Jiro?

Jiro: I was in the middle of my trip to the spirits archipelago. It took a while for your message to get to me.

Izuku: Spirits archipelago? Where's that?

Jiro: Why it's in the middle of the spirits sea.

Izuku: Spirits sea? Are there ghosts there?

Jiro: Hahaha no Sonny spirits as in wine, whiskey, beer, shochu you name it this ocean is made of it.

Inko: How long do you usually stay there?

Jiro: Two months.

Inko: Mom!

Chiyo: Calm down Inko. Jiro here back in his prime could beat All Might.

Izuku: Really?! Mom please let me train with him!

Knocking Master IzukuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin