The start of my best discovery.

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The consuming smell of eggs flood into your system making you salivate. You gulp down the hunger, and instead focus on your mom who's rushing to get ready for work. Sitting on the dining table, you admire the way she fastens the buttons on her pristine white button up. How her black pants are without a wrinkle even as she moves erratically around the small apartment. Almost like a headless chicken.

(M/N) suddenly stops as she feels the cold warmth of (F/N)'s palm seeping through the back of her dress shirt. She looks up to your fathers warm smile and sighs, relaxing her tense shoulders as the lingering jitters of being late subdues. "Thank you honey." (M/N) breathes out in a whisper.

You watch as your father fixes your mothers' tie, the love seeping out of them, almost like auras. "The eggs are starting to smell bad." You blurt out with no ill-intent. Now, your father moves with frantic steps towards the stove and twists the handle before moving the pan back on a more cool stove square.

"Sorry bub. The eggs might be a bit over cooked." Your father says bashfully to you in embarrassment and slight guilt.

You wave him off as your mother kisses both your cheeks and forehead. "Don't leave mommy. I'll miss you so much!". Lifting your arms and spreading them wide to show the apparently huge amount you feel.

"I know you will sweetheart." Your mother laughs airily at your arms being stretched as far as you could. "Buuuuut, I'll be home, same time as usual. No overtime for me today so don't miss me too much."

You nod fastly before quickly hugging your mother. Then moving towards your father and tugging on his pants leg, making sure he doesn't forget to serve you. You hear the front door shut and lock as your father crouches down to your height with a smile. "How 'bout we head to the park for a bit? Then we can go to the market and buy ingredients to bake some sweets for mommy.

On the way to the park (F/N) hears hushed gossip. It's about the park they're heading to. He begins to second guess the plan. Even as going far to stop and face you, to tell you the bad news but stops. A hero is patrolling the area. He guesses it's because of the crime people were gossiping about. (F/N) sighs out in relief and continues walking.

You heard the whispers but decided to keep quiet about it. You weren't scared. There was a hero nearby after all.

The park in this neighborhood is particularly quiet. Not many parents let their kids out this early seeing as a crime happened earlier in the week. So it wasn't a surprise to see a kid and their guardian/s at the playground but this one didn't.

"Are you from America?" Your father decided to enhance your socialism by forcing you to play with the lonely boy standing at the corner of the area. Being the ever obedient child you reluctantly head over and question the boy's existence. All you see is his blonde hair and pale skin before making an educated guess. "Do you have a quirk?"

The blond little boy just stares at you with obvious nervousness. His small hands in front of him as his thin fingers are laced together for comfort. He notices no movement from where you stand. Just waiting for him to speak. Aoyama shakes his head not understanding much spoken aside from the word America.

You furrow your brows at his response. [No to America or having a quirk?] You look towards your dad and watch as his hands make a "shoo" motion. You roll your eyes before stepping closer to the quiet kid. " Whatever. Let's play on the seesaw. It's a two kid game." You turn away from the boy and walk towards one end of the seesaw. Hearing no footsteps you turn back to the blonde boy and see him standing in place. You turn towards your dad a bit annoyed and throw your hands up in exasperation.

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