Chapter 4

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                                                                         ~The wedding day~
As usual, my day started with mum barging into the rom and yelling at me to wake up.
"How can this girl be sleeping so soundly when today is her special day!", She yelled as she clapped her hands, a signal for me to get my lazy a** up. 
"Ugh! I'm awake man!", I said in a tone filled with crabbiness.I sat up steadily as I allowed the sheets to fall on my lap. For some reason I wasnt in the mood to get up and get ready. Either it was because today was my "special" day or it was just that I always felt this way whenever I woke up. 
                    The day started horribly, first my mum scolded me for being extremely lazy today when instead I should be happy and excited about it. Then the people who got me ready were basically terrible at their job! Some were scrapping my skin like finding a card  and scrapping it away excitedly to find some sort of a lottery number when they bathed me, while others were busy pulling my thick, red  hair as I tried to keep the screams bottled up in my throat, forcing the tears to evaporate from my eyes, not because I was getting married today but because the pain was just... unbearable. If anything, it was my dear mother who was truly excited. I get it that she was happy for her daughter to get married into a MAFIA family but her scolding the maids to do their job properly and even firing one of them when she zoned out for a little while, well that was a bit too much. I always got told that I had inherited my father's temper but right now it was the opposite case... kinda? 
Anyways there was a huge fuss when the hair dresser and mum argued about what hairstyle would go perfectly well with my wedding dress. I didnt understand why there was a need to style my hair 5 times, each style completely different and gorgeous than the others, and still not figuring which would suit me better. In the end they just let me choose a hairstyle  that I liked and though every style was just so... wonderful, I ended up choosing accessorized chignon... Thank god the hair dresser and mum nodded to my opinion and so that would be my style for the day. The results werent so bad tbh and I kinda liked it.
Now it was time for my wedding dress. With a few adjustments here and there, I was all set for the wedding, physically:- yes, mentally:- definitely not.
                                                                    ~Three hours later~
I was now sitting in the bride's room, tapping anxiously on my lap as my bridesmaids were busy chatting with each other. Honestly if it was allowed and people didnt mind it, I would have only had the maid of honor and that too would be Ava of course but because it was neccessery, I gave the title of bridesmaids to my previous class-mates who I was still in contact with. It's not like we had any rivalry with eachother, it's just that I wasnt as close to my... uhm friends like I was with Ava so it just felt weird...
 I sat there and looked at my reflection in the mirror, I guess I looked fine. At times like this, I really needed Ava's flattery to cheer me up. 
Just then Ava appeared, wearing the same dress as all the other bridesmaids wore but somehow she just looked more gorgeous than them. Her dark purple long, mermaid-like dress matched her dark skin and boy she looked hot. She came to me and smiled.
I, in turn, gave her a weird smile, "Do I look okay?"
She came and stood beside, now also facing the mirror," You have no thing to worry about Serene, You're drop-dead gorgeous", she smiled widely and I had feeling she was about to become emotional. well she was the emotional one in our duo while I on the other hand... the logical one... I guess
I smiled at her compliment. Just then there was aknock on the door. I looked to see who it was and sure enough, it was my father, his eyes watery and his fingers kinda... shaky?
"Everyone's waiting to see the bride sweetheart... You ready", he said, a bit of sadness in his tone.
I got up from my seat and went to my father.
"Yes father", I said slowly and quietly. A small smile appeared on my lips as he offered his arm for me to take. I suddenly, without a single thought, reached m arms around him and hugged him,"Thank you... for everything father", I whispered as I closed my eyes and felt his beating-heart. 
"You're welcome darling", he slowly said, sniffing  as he rubbed my back gently. It was quite an emotional moment indeed.
But not for long.... well not anymore when I saw Eiser waiting there on the chapel , his hands behind his back (that's probably the first time I saw him standing in such an obedient manner).
because my net-like veil was covering my face, I couldnt quite see him well but 1 thing I was sur of. His wicked smile. Ugh, just how much he would be enjoying this very moment while I, not so much.
I felt eyes stare at me from all directions. Well ofcourse everyone would look at the unlucky bride because for today, she was going to be the center of attenion, even though she clearly just wanted to get over with all of this for once and for all.
I gripped my father's arm more tightly as we walked down the aisle, my eyes fixed on the ground. Even if I didnt want to, I still had to act like the pure, innocent little bride that everyone admires. 
Now we came even closer to the chapel where the priest and Eiser were standing, I think that's the closest he's ever been with God, the thought almost made me scoff. As we took some more steps further, my father now started to slip his arm out of my gripp, but I kept my gloved hand firm on the same place as before, not wanting to let go of his warmth. He must've realized that I didnt want to be alone, so he passed me a soft smile as he put his other hand on my hand which was gripping his covered arm tightly. 
I finally let him go as I took one last step and was met with Eiser's outstretched hand for me. I gripped it lightly, not at all to be in contact with his skin, as he helped me get up the staires and finally, to face the priest.He looked at me one last time before he turned again to the priest, his wicked smile still lingering on his face. We both now faced the priest as silence floated behind us. I bit my lip as the priest greeted us and started off with his prayers. I could feel Eiser glancing at me every now and then but I stayed calm, gripping the bouqet of flowers tightly till I could almost bend their stems. Oh how I hated this. Finally it was the time for vows. I could hear the priest say,"Eiser Klein, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both live."
I glanced at Eiser as he said, "I do", with anod and then smirked. 
Holy God.
Now it was my turn and I did the same, except that I said it a bit more firmly. And now the ring bearer came in, holding a cusion which held two wonderful gold rings. Though they were simple, it looked nice. The groom, Eiser, brought his hand forward and I forced myself to insert the ring on his  finger as I gritted my teeth, clearly not liking a single bit of this event. As I finished my role, now I had to pull my hand forward so that he could put the ring on. Of ourse I didnt like the feeling of his touch as he cupped my hand with his own two hands, but his hands were oddly warm. Who knew what this man had done right before this event. My guess was that he probably shot another random person and then, God knows what else he did after that.
Now.. was the worst part. The priest announced that the contract was to be sealed with a kiss. Eiser now faced me, and as he and I did so, I realised  that he was wearing a nice black suite with a funny-looking tie and his shoes were looking quite... spotty too.|
Well that was a surprise since I had always seen him wearing loose shirts or mostly white shirts with classic blue jeans, but then again, it was our wedding day, our SPECIAL day
He took a step closer and grabbed my veil. He then slowly pulled the white veil from my face and put it behind me gently. I didnt really like this feeling and I definiely did not like my hands shaking as I heard him say" You're beautiful, as always", and pulled me in a kiss as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer.
I forced to close my eyes, making it look like I was enjoying this, when clearly I hated how his dancing tongue was playing with mine. He even went as further as to lower his hand to my rear but thankfully the priest stopped him before he could embarrass me yet again.
"Come on now, you must know the energy newlyweds have father John", I heard his deep voice reply as he finally let his lips slip from mine. Energy my foot.
I was already so exhausted the whole day, hearing him say that made me want to throw the flowers right at his face and kick him in the a**, but of course for now, I was the beloved bride in everyone's eyes.
After the wedding ceremony, I went back to my parents and greeted the guests who smiled and praised my wonderful looks. I mean DUH thats a fact obvi!
For the rest of the wedding I had stayed near Ava and my parents, making absolutely no eye contacts with the man who I was going to stay with for the rest of my life. This was the little time I had to spend with my beloved ones and I was definitely not going to waste it. I only came near Eiser only when I had to take wedding photographs with him but for the rest of the event, I didnt even stare at his direction. I'm probably sure he must've glanced at me when he was with his friends and family but thank God he and I didnt have any embarrassing moments, like we normally had before...
Now that the wedding was over, all that was left was the wedding NIGHT and I hope that would go perfectly normal because I sure as heck would rather be f*cked by Jasper (our previous school's nerd) than to be sleeping next to him.
Lets just pray for the best... 

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