Are You Sick Too Baby?

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Heather more fell into the front door than pushed it open. She was shivery despite her many layers of clothes and her nose was stuffy. She dumped her work stuff in the hallway not bothering to unpack her bag and kicked her boots off. The door to Veronica’s study was open but all she saw was messy piles of half written sheet music when she poked her head in. The sound of quiet coughing from the living room alerted her to the whereabouts of her girlfriend and she made her way into the next room. Veronica was curled up in a blanket on the sofa with a box of tissues balanced on the arm and a mug of steaming tea in her hands.

“Aww you not feeling well either baby?” Veronica asked, kissing her tenderly, her voice slightly deeper than normal as it rasped in her sore throat. Heather groaned in response with a pout. Ronnie’s cheeks were flushed from the slight fever and her nose was red from blowing it but it was still blocked.
“Sorry I made you sick honey.” she sniffled from the sofa.

“It’s ok my love. Do you need anything?” Veronica shook her head and Heather smiled before grabbing a tissue out the box and heading to the kitchen to make herself a hot lemon and honey while blowing her nose. 

Veronica hugged tighter into herself and took a sip of her tea to try and warm up a bit. Heather sneezed from the kitchen and her heart melted.
“Bless you.” She croaked. There was the clinking of mugs and another sneeze. “Bless you.” Another adorable sneeze followed. “Aww my poor baby girl.” Heather blew her nose again before pulling a box of paracetamol from the draw and grabbing two tablets.

“Here, this’ll make you feel better.” She returned to the living room and handed them to Veronica.
“Thank you honey. Come lie down, let’s get you warm.” Veronica said rubbing her girlfriend’s arms noticing she was shivering slightly.
“I will in just a second babe.” Heather set her mug down on the table at the other end of the sofa before heading upstairs.

She got changed out of her work clothes and into sweats and a shirt before pulling on one of Veronica’s hoodies which was far too big for her but it kept her warm. After she was done changing she grabbed a new box of tissues for either side of their bed so they would have plenty. She then pulled a bunch of spare blankets from the cupboard, put two on the bed, and wrapped a third around her shoulders. She hugged it tight around herself and trudged back downstairs. 

Veronica smiled at her girlfriend being dwarfed by her hoodie. The dark fabrics made her look even paler and Veronica could tell she was cold. She flopped down next to her before picking up her honey and lemon and snuggling into Veronica's side. Veronica stroked her fingers through her blonde hair and Heather lent her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Before long they were both nearly asleep. The paracetamol taking effect and making them drowsy, coupled with their drained bodies cuddled together made staying awake difficult.

“C’mon baby. Let’s go to bed.” Veronica croaked and slipped an arm round her girlfriend’s waist. 

“Mmmm.” Heather groaned as she stirred with a sniffle, not opening her eyes.

“We both need to get some sleep...I’ll spoon you.” Veronica murmured with a smirk.

“Bed sounds good.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

They made their way upstairs slowly, their bodies aching with the effort. 

Heather sniffled slightly and kissed gently over the back of Veronica’s shoulders. They snuggled into eachother’s slightly feverish bodies for warmth underneath the nest of blankets. Veronica sighed in content and pulled her girlfriend’s arms tighter around her. Heather's breath was wheezy and coughed when she tried to speak.

“Shhhh. Go back to sleep honey.” Veronica turned over and kissed her warm forehead ever so gently. She poured all her love into it even though it was only a quick kiss. She loved her so much it hurt. She loved her for taking care of her even though she was sick as well. Heather tried to sniffle but her nose was too stuffed up. She pulled a tissue from the box and blew it.

“Ew.” Veronica said teasingly, gaining an adorable pout from the girl lying next to her. Heather’s pout was broken by a sneeze. “Aww bless you baby.” Veronica kissed her forehead again and handed her another tissue. Her nose was rubbed raw and hurt when she blew it. “My baby sniffles.” Veronica smiled with a small sniffle herself. Heather turned so Veronica was now spooning her and snuggled into her warmth. With a sniffle Veronica pressed a gentle kiss to Heather's shoulder and before long they were both soundly asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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