The Caretaker (part 1)

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„Source?", Chakotay wanted to know.

„Unknown. Now there appears to be a massive displacement wave moving toward us.", Tuvok said.

„Another storm?", Chakotay asked.

„It's not a plasma phenomenon. At current speeds, it will intercept us in less than thirty seconds.", Tuvok said.

„Anything left in those impulse generators, B'Elanna?", Chakotay asked.

„We'll find out.", B'Elanna answered.

„Still exceeding our speed.", Tuvok said.

„Maximum power.", Chakotay ordered.

„Wave is continuing to accelerate. It will intercept us in eight seconds. Five.", Tuvok said and everything turned white.

[Federation Penal Settlement, New Zealand]

Inmates were busy constructing something. They all wore ankle-tags. One young man was up a piece of scaffolding using a laser-like device.

„Tom Paris?", A woman in Captain's uniform asked, walking towards him.

„Kathryn Janeway. I served with your father on the Al-Batani. I wonder if we could go somewhere and talk."

„About what?", Tom wanted to know.

„About a job we'd like you to do for us.", Kathryn said.

„I'm already doing a job for the Federation.", Tom replied.

„I've been told the Rehab Commission is very pleased with your work. They've given me their approval to discuss this matter with you.", Kathryn told him.

„Well then, I guess I'm yours.", Tom said.

The two of them were walking through the trees.

„Your father taught me a great deal. I was his science officer during the Orias expedition.", Kathryn said.

„You must be good. My father only accepts the best and the brightest.", Tom replied.

„I'm leaving on a mission to find a Maquis ship that disappeared in the Badlands a week ago.", Kathryn explained.

„I wouldn't if I were you.", Tom said.

„Really?", Kathryn asked.

„I've never seen a Federation starship that could maneuver through the plasma storms.", Tom said.

„You've never seen Voyager.", Kathryn proudly replied.

„We'd like you to come along."

„You'd like me to lead you to my former colleagues.", Tom corrected her.

„I was only with the Maquis a few weeks before I was captured, Captain. I don't know where most of their hiding places are.", he said.

„You know the territory better than anyone we've got.", Kathryn replied.

„What's so important about this particular Maquis ship?", Tom wanted to know.

„My Chief of Security was on board, undercover. He was supposed to report in twice during the last six days. He didn't.", Kathryn explained.

„Maybe it's just your Chief of Security who's disappeared.", Tom said.

„Maybe. That ship was under the command of another former Starfleet officer, named Chakotay. I understand you knew him.", Kathryn said.

„That's right.", Tom agreed.

„The two of you didn't get along too well, I'm told.", Kathryn said.

„Chakotay will tell you he left Starfleet on principle, to defend his home colony from the Cardassians. I, on the other hand, was forced to resign. He considered me a mercenary, willing to fight for anyone who'd pay my bar bill. Trouble is, he was right. I have no problem helping you track down my friends in the Maquis, Captain. All I need to know from you is what's in it for me.", Tom said.

„You help us find that ship, we help you at your next outmeet review.", Kathryn proposed.

„Ah ha.", Tom just replied.

„Officially, you'd be a Starfleet observer during the mission.", Kathryn said.

„Observer? Oh hell, I'm the best pilot you could have.", Tom exclaimed.

„You'll be an observer. When it's over, you're cut loose.", Kathryn stated.

„The story of my life."


„Stadi, you're changing my mind about Betazoids.", said Tom, walking up to the black haired, betazoid, woman who was piloting the shuttle they were currently in.

„Good.", Stadi stated.

„Oh, that wasn't a compliment. Until today I always considered your people warm and sensual.", Tom said, flirtatious.

„I can be warm and sensual.", Stadi replied.

„Just not to me.", Tom said.

„Do you always fly at women at warp speed, Mister Paris?", Stadi wanted to know.

„Only when they're in visual range.", Tom replied.

Stadi didn't answer instead she directed Tom's attention towards the ship they were flying towards.

„That's our ship. That's Voyager.", she said.

„Intrepid class. Sustainable cruise velocity of warp factor nine point nine seven five. Fifteen decks. Crew complement of one hundred and forty one. Bio-neural circuitry."

„Bio-neural?", Tom asked. He had never heard of it before.

„Some of the traditional circuitry has been replaced by gel packs that contain bio-neural cells. They organise information more efficiently, speed up response time.", Stadi explained.

This chapter is basically just a filler. Thalia will be introduced in the next chapter.

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