Chapter 4: "Freedom"

Start from the beginning

And the war has already ended for six of those months.


As Kei spent more time shackled in there. They continuously regressed in mental age to match their physical age due the growing fog over their own past.

One day, Kei heard something crashing in the darkness.

Kei was scared.

They're very scared.

Despite their eyes already accustomed to the dark they still can't see too much in the dark.

And the fact the light didn't come this time meant that something else was in here with her.

"wh-who's there?..."

Her voice tinged with fear as she braces herself for whatever comes into her field of view.

Then whatever it is, came into view, it wasn't something she expected.

It was a sentient turret, Kei vaguely remembers seeing one like this before.

The small turret waddles over to Kei and looks up at her, it wasn't hostile towards Kei. So she decided to crouch and pick up the turret and it was surprisingly light.

It had a cylindrical body with slap metal flaps for flaps and what seems to be feet?

And for the head was a familiar turret design to Kei.

Since it was a single gun design and it even had a cute lil face.

"You look oddly like an Otobreda 76mm"

The turret visibly reacted in a positively to Kei.

Kei couldn't help herself as she gave the turret a pat on it's top, it was oddly calming to her as she gave away to her temptations and just hugged the turret.

Even though it couldn't respond to her in words, having a companion truly raises her spirits.

"You wouldn't mind if I call you Oto?"

The turret looks elated as Kei proposed that name, and so it became official.

Oto is now Kei's companion and best friend in this hell hole, and she's quite grateful to have at least someone to keep her company.

And within Kei there was still a fragment of her past remains, she still has a protective nature over things she cares about.

And the only thing she cares about now was Oto, her beloved turret friend.


Another month went by and the naval base continues as it was, albeit a little less hectic.

Although that peace was shattered as a few vehicles came into base, those vehicles belong to the main HQ of the JMSDF.

Several MPs dismounted from the transport and the last one out got the attention of everyone.

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