Chapter 3 Deep Sleep teaser 2

Start from the beginning

Unlike the rest of the Smiling Critters, both their Plush and Tv versions are uncappable of speech and verbal communication, when they do speak its usually only a few words due to their fearful nature.

Like the other Smiling Critters, the pull of their tail will make a scent puff out of their mouth, this was intended to make children fall asleep easier or relax them from fear. In their example "Camomile"

Personality: FoxFear is a timid and anxious plushie who is always on edge, constantly worrying about the unknown and the dangers lurking around every corner. DogDay always tries to bring them out of their comfort zone, but this drives them back into it. They have extreme anxiety, often appearing extremely jumpy and constantly afraid.

Background: FoxFear was originally created for the Smiling Critters TV show as a side character, but due to budget cuts, their character was cut before their episodes could be produced. They were set to be sold as plushies to fans of the show, but the hour of joy happened before they could be released to the public.

Relationships with Critters: The only Smiling Critter they've interacted with was DogDay in the TV series cut episode, and they were constantly at odds with each other due to FoxFear's fearful nature clashing with DogDay's adventurous personality. However, the two eventually began to form a begrudging respect for each other, with DogDay trying to help FoxFear overcome their anxieties.

Name: Player

Background: The Player is an ex-employee who quit the Playtime Co. factory 10 years ago before the Hour of Joy. They have returned to the factory after the mysterious disappearance of all the workers, unaware of the dark events that had taken place there a decade ago.

Personality: The Player exhibits a mix of determination, fear, and curiosity as they navigate through the factory with FoxFear. Despite being creeped out by the eerie atmosphere and unsettling events; Player shows bravery and a willingness to go deeper into the unknown to uncover the truth.

Relationships: The Player forms a bond with FoxFear, showing care and concern for the timid plushie throughout their journey. FoxFear looks to Player for guidance and protection, finding solace in their presence amidst the frightening circumstances they encounter. Together, Player and FoxFear navigate the dangers of the factory, facing challenges and uncertainties as they seek to escape the darkness.

Age: Depending on their age when they quit, The Player would be in their late 20s to early 30s at the time of the events in the story.

Sanity: Unbroken (Surprising I know)

Height: 6 feet tall. (Average)

Equipment: GrabPack

The GrabPack is a device that is used in the story to interact with various elements in the environment. It is described as a backpack-like structure with a retractable cable and two hands attached to it. The hands can be activated using triggers to fire the cables, which are capable of conducting electricity. The GrabPack is used to turn on power sources, open doors, and manipulate objects in the story.

Some of the uses of the GrabPack include:

1. Activating power sources: The GrabPack is used to connect to power sources and turn on electricity in different areas of the factory.

2. Opening doors: The GrabPack can be used to interact with door mechanisms, such as scanners or symbols, to unlock and open doors.

3. Manipulating objects: The GrabPack's hands can be used to grab and move objects within the environment, such as boxes or vents covers.

4. Interacting with sensors: The GrabPack is used to interact with various sensors, such as those found in the vents, to progress through the story.

Overall, the GrabPack serves as a versatile tool for the player and FoxFear to navigate through the challenges they face in the factory.

Main antagonist: 

CatNap- CatNap's monstrous form resembles a feline creature cloaked in purple fur. Its eyes showcase black pupils encircled by white irises and a cat-like nose. The creature's mouth can unhinge widely, devoid of discernible teeth, forming an abyss-like void. Monstrous paws bear four digits, each armed with sharp, black claws, and elongated limbs seem loosely stitched at the joints. The disproportionately small, emaciated torso exposes the rib cage and pelvic bone beneath the skin. Around its neck, a subtle melanoid-black zipper runs, akin to a dull yellow crescent moon charm.

(The Red Smoke's primary effect is putting whoever inhales it to sleep. However, it has been noted on multiple occasions that the smoke also causes intense nightmares and hallucinations.)

The Player walks through the Home Sweet Home orphanage with FoxFear on his shoulder, they walk through the bloody and deserted halls until a staircase with red smoke is seen descending down.

"Oh great. Uh..." Player mutters, looking down at the red smoke billowing from the staircase. "We have to go down there, don't we?"

FoxFear trembles on Player's shoulder, their fear palpable. "I... I don't like this, Player. It feels... wrong."

Player nods, understanding FoxFear's unease. 

They walk into the red smoke, immediately inhaling it and both thudding to the ground, down the stairs.)

(FoxFears Dream)

"He... hello?

FoxFear stands alone in a dark, eerie forest, their plush fur bristling with fear. The trees around them seem to whisper with malice, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. FoxFear's heart beats rapidly as they look around, feeling completely lost and alone.

Suddenly a kid appears across from them, their appearance in shadow only white irises are seen, it mimics their own voice.

"He... hello?

"Who are you?" FoxFear calls out nervously, their voice quivering with fear.

"Who are you" the kid responds back.

FoxFear takes a step back, but the kid mimics their movements perfectly.

"Stop it! What do you want from me?" FoxFear cries out, feeling a sense of unease creeping over them.

"Stop it! What do you want from me?" the voice mimics.

FoxFear jumps up and down but it copy's their movement perfectly.

"You're me." The voice says out of turn.

FoxFear freezes, feeling a chill run down their spine. "what?" they whisper, their voice trembling with fear.

The child points at FoxFears iris not speaking.

FoxFear takes a step forward, the child does the same.

"Are you Y/N?"

The child nods, their white irises shining with an eerie light.

"So, you're the thing inside me? Giving me life?"

Y/N nods slowly, their expression unreadable.

"But why are you here? Why are you showing me this?" FoxFear asks, feeling a sense of dread creeping over them.

Y/N simply gestures to the dark forest around them, the trees seeming to close in on them.

"I... I don't understand," FoxFear murmurs, feeling a sense of confusion and fear washing over them.

Suddenly, the forest begins to fade away, the darkness overtaking everything until FoxFear is left alone in a void of blackness, with only Y/N's glowing white irises staring back at them.

"Wake up."

FoxFear startles awake, their plush fur bristling with fear as they look around the unfamiliar surroundings. Player is beside them, also waking from their strange dream induced by the red smoke.

End of teaser.

(Note: stuff might be different in the final product.)

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