Chapter Two: Daisy Duke and the Fixer Upper

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Johanna woke the next morning with a start, for the first time since she had heard about having to move, Johanna was excited to start the day. And by the sound of her brother gently knocking on her door, she wasn't the only one.

"Earth to Jojo, are you gonna sleep all day or are we gonna get to work?"

"Yeah yeah, I've been up for hours waiting on you," Johanna smirked as she threw the covers from her body and began to grab her clothes for the day.

"Oh I can tell, I'll meet you downstairs," she could her Caleb laughing softly as he walked down the hall. Johanna rolled her eyes and finished putting her clothes on before going to the bathroom and brushing her teeth and hair. She then made her way down stairs where the rest of her family were already perched at the table.

"So what do you two have planned for today?" Their mother asked as Johanna joined them and began making her plate of food.

"Oh, just going into town to get the lay of the land," Caleb started before Johanna had a chance to speak. "See what kind of jobs are available here."

"Smart. It's good to see the two of you taking responsibility for once," Jared said casually without looking away from his stack of papers.

Caleb rolled his eyes and continued eating, he and Johanna both knew that no matter what they did, he would always find something that they didn't do or did wrong. They couldn't win with him.

"Well, do you guys need any money for today?" Their mother asked, still trying to engage in conversation.

"Do not give them anything. They have to earn it."

"Well, why don't you two take the car-"

"Margret. They can find their own way to town."

"You expect us to walk?" Caleb scoffed, "we don't even know where town is. And it's hot outside!"

"Do not raise your voice at me young man, I said what I said. Either find your way to town or don't go at all, I don't care."

"How do you expect us to find jobs if we don't have a way to get there?" Caleb started again, only to be met with a slap to the side of his face. Johanna and her mother gasped as they looked at Jared.

"I said no back talking."

Caleb's face turned bright red as Johanna could see his temper beginning to rise, thankfully he said nothing further and stood up, shoving his chair to the floor and storming out, making sure to slam the front door. Johanna didn't waste a second in following him, not wanting to be left with the already short tempered man when she knew the only person that would stand up for her had just stormed outside.

"Caleb wait," she called as she jogged to him.

Caleb slowed his pace long enough for her to catch up and then they walked to the old rickety shed in silence. Johanna could feel the tension leaving Caleb the farther they got and by noticing him relaxing, she started to too.

"Let's see if we can't get that Maverick running so we can get away from here for a couple of hours." Caleb pushed one of the back door to the shed open, letting in some sunlight so they could really see what they were doing.

"Yeah, this thing is going to need a whole lot of body work," Caleb said as the siblings began to inspect the old forgotten car. It didn't look as bad as Johanna had originally thought, the red paint was faded to give it a rusted look and it was chipped in places. There were a few dents in it here and there but nothing major, they should be able to knock those right out. "Alright, let's see what's under her hood."

Caleb popped the hood before going to the front and lifting it, he let a low whistle escape his mouth before Johanna came around and looked with him.

"Is that a good whistle or a bad one?" Johanna stared at the engine, it looked like everything was there to her.

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