"I'm not going so stop wasting your time and leave." With a snappy tone, Everea couldn't help but feel like she was surrounded by a bunch of vultures; all circling as she lay there dying. Still barefoot, Everea had her back against the door, holding it shut. Knowing he could destroy it with a simple thought, she wondered why he hadn't. Maybe he doesn't want to damage his new toy yet... It seemed like negativity was all she had in her lately.

"You're coming one way or another." Even though his voice sounded as monotone as usual, she couldn't help but shudder at the obvious threat. Was he seriously going to force her to go to class with all of them?

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Everea got up from her seat on the floor, smoothing her skirt out. Even though the uniform was the same as the day class, just a different color, she felt like the skirt was too short, and the jacket was too form-fitting. Everything was just happening without her having any say.

Feeling miserable inside, Everea avoided eye contact with Kaname as she came out of the bathroom and walked past him to put her shoes on. Sliding her knee-length socks on, Everea then slid on her shoes, wanting to just chuck them at him instead. Once she was ready to leave, the redhead didn't even give Kaname a second look before exiting the room and going down the stairs to exit the big doors.

Before she could cut through the crowd, at least five people that she could tell, were actively surrounding her, stopping her from being able to take off. Her mood dampened even further, her face burning with shame and embarrassment. He was taking her escape from the last time more seriously than she thought. Was he that afraid of her getting away again?

Despite being surrounded, she could still feel the stares of the day class and the glares of the majority of the night class students. It wasn't her fault she was there! Mentally cursing every person who was gawking or hating, Everea only lifted her head when she felt a shiver run down her spine. Looking up, she frantically looked around, finally finding the cause of her shudder.

Right before her Zero was standing, shocked by her appearance. Even though she looked miserable, she was dressed in a night class uniform, surrounded by guards, and walking towards the classrooms. "Zero!" Even as she called out to him, trying to get through the wall of people, she was held back, her gaze sympathetic yet afraid at the same time.

She felt awful for just leaving a note, but at the same time, she was afraid that he hated her. How would she explain her situation to him? Would he even believe her if she did? No... And if by some miracle he did believe her, he would turn on her the second he believed she was a pureblood.

Am I truly so alone? Was this that bastard's plan all along? With her thoughts wandering, she didn't realize they had made it to the classroom until the group of people that had been surrounding her stepped away and went to their seats. Standing there awkwardly, not knowing where to sit, Everea glanced around, taking the room in two times over. There wasn't a single row without somebody in it. 

Hearing the murmurs going around, the redhead felt so out of place that she just put her head down and found a seat in the back, as far away from anybody as she could get. Despite there being someone only three rows away, she still felt closed in, her mind racing.

Was this how every class would feel? Everyone was watching her as if she were some new class pet. She could only pray it didn't feel like this every time.

⊱—————— ✧——————⊰

By the end of their class, Everea effectively felt exhausted. It wasn't easy for her to be fighting Kaname during their time together and then constantly be on guard wherever she went. These people would devour her if she wasn't there under their pureblood's protection. 

As they left the hall, Everea had her gaggle of people around her once again, preventing her from leaving. Much like a prison. On their way, she caught a glimpse of brown hair. She knew that hair. Her interest having been piqued, Everea went onto her tiptoes, peaking over the shoulder of whoever was to her left. Watching Yuki run to the sidelines, she saw her approaching Kaname. What the hell is with her? She should be guarding the other students, not sneaking away to flirt... with him.

Shuddering, Everea could only just barely see them, being so short in comparison to the other students in the night class. What she did see though, made her want to smash that pureblood over the head with something so hard he would get a concussion. He acted like it was the end of the world when she got away, but his gaze never looked like that with her... Soft, caring, maybe even loving. It was disturbing.

⊱—————— ✧——————⊰

As they reached the moon dormitories, Everea ran to the room she was obviously expected to share with Kaname, locking the door and immediately making her way to the filing cabinet she'd seen earlier that night. Maybe it had more information or something she could use against him. Anything would help her. Even if it was just something he was minorly allergic to.

To her dismay, the cabinet was locked. Every drawer she tried to open only rattled with the contents inside. "Shit- Why does he have to be so damn perfect?" Cursing, Everea reached the second to last drawer, pulling on the handle as she hoped it would open before a hand came down on her shoulder.

Jumping, the redhead turned around so fast it gave her vertigo, her breath caught in her throat as she stared up at the brown eyes she thought would've stayed behind a bit longer. After all, he'd looked so smitten with Yuki, she just figured they would spend more time together, and she had locked the door... Realizing he was in here with the door having been locked, she let her gaze wander to the door that was shut.

Why is he so damn fast? Her mind rang with the possibilities of what was about to happen. Despite hating him, she couldn't get past this fear of him, leaving her unable to lash out against him, stuck in place as she waited. Before long, he produced a key from his pocket, placing it into the third drawer and turning it. Hearing the lock click open, Everea was surprised. It was like this guy never lost his temper... always so calm and collected.

Glancing down, she noticed several files lined together neatly. He did seem like a neat freak. Swallowing the imaginary lump in her throat, Everea didn't dare reach into the drawer, just waiting for his next move. "I believe this is what you were after?" Even though it was said as a question, she knew he didn't mean it that way. Smug bastard...

Cautiously taking the file he handed her, Everea carefully skirted her way around him, having been trapped between his large frame and the wall. Bringing the file over to the bed, she eyed him nervously, having to jump to get on the bed before she rearranged herself into a more comfortable position, the file now in her lap.

Reading the file title, she realized it wasn't what she'd been looking for at all. It was just named 'Black'. Feeling her heart squeeze tightly, she wanted to huck the file at his head, but she couldn't bring herself to. She didn't believe him; his delusion that she was a pureblood, but she was curious about her family... there was no way they had the same last name with no connection... right?

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