Chapter 1

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Nick tried to regain control of his breathing. Panicking wasn't going to help anyone right now so he had to stay calm. His brain relayed the events from the earlier. He had been walking home from his favorite coffee shop with coffee not only for him, but for Vernias, Brent, and Sophist as well. His friends had been wanting to check out the coffee shop for a while but everyone had been too busy the past few days. So, he decided to surprise them.

As Nick was walking back to their shared house from said coffee shop, he was grabbed and dragged into an alleyway. He fought the best he could while holding four coffees but to no avail. He dropped them as he was pulled all the way into the alleyway. Nick had also dropped his phone when he dropped the coffees so he had no way of letting anyone know where he was or what happened.

Unfortunately, he had been grabbed by vampire hunters. This wasn't the first time he got kidnapped by vampire hunters however, but it might be the last. He got lucky the first time with how incompetent those hunters were but he doubts that it'll be the same this time. These hunters seemed more competent than the last time.

As soon as they had him, he was knocked out. Nick's wrists and ankles were chained together and his mouth was duct taped. There's no way he'd be able to break the metal chains, he may have inhuman strength but he wasn't that strong. "Calm down, deep breaths. Panicking won't help." he told himself.

"We have you now bloodsucking scum." One of the hunters said as he bent down to directly face Nick. "Did you really think that we would let you keep turning and killing those innocent people?"

Nick was unable to answer due to the duct tape on his mouth, so he settled for glaring at the hunter. He didn't kill anyone. Never has, never will. He can't turn other people either, tat was strictly born-vampires. Nick was a turned-vampire, a big difference between the two. If he told the truth, the hunters wouldn't believe him. Not like they'd believe him any other time either.

However, what the hunter said stuck in his mind. "Keep turning and killing those innocent people". Nick began to feel a sinking feeling in his stomach. There must be a born-vampire going around and hurting people if the turning part was to be true. That meant all his friends in the city were in possible danger and he had no way to warn them.

"So, what are we going to do with him?" another hunter asked.

"We'll get him to tell us where the other vampires." The hunter that called him 'bloodsucking scum' said.

Nick had to hold back a laugh. He didn't know any other vampires but he did know a tryhard werewolf, a mischievous demon, and a protective witch. Actually, protective could be used to describe any of his three friends. The four of them were protective of each other, considering the amount of stuff they've gone through.

The hunter took notice of his muffled laugh, "You think this is funny do you?" He asked as Nick felt something hard and metallic press against his ribs. The hunter pushed it forward a bit, making Nick feel a sharp pain. "I'm going to count to three. One..."

"Wait, wait!" One of the hunters spoke up. "We should question him first. We don't want to kill him before we get the information."

The hunter that had pressed the object against Nick's ribs seemed to hesitate for a moment before taking his hand away. He turned his attention back to the vampire. "All right, bloodsucker. Let's see what you know."

Nick tried to shrug, his shoulders barely moving against the chains. "There's not much I can tell you. I don't know any other vampires."

"Liar!" The hunter spat, and pressed the object harder against Nick's side. Nick winced in pain, but refused to make any sounds. "You're one of them, aren't you?"

"Yes," Nick said, "But I swear, I don't know any other vampires."

"Then how do you explain your existence?" The hunter demanded, pressing harder still.

Nick gritted his teeth against the pain, "I... I was turned. I'm not like them." He struggled against the chains, trying to free himself, but it was useless. "Look, I can't tell you any more than that. I swear, I'm not part of a vampire group or anything."

The hunter paused, seeming to consider this. After a moment, he took his hand away from Nick's side, and the object pressed against him disappeared. "All right, we'll see what happens. You're coming with us." He ordered, before roughly hauling Nick to his feet.

As they dragged him towards an inconspicuous van, Nick glanced around, hoping to see someone, anyone, who could help him. But the streets were empty, and there was no one in sight. He felt a sickening sensation in his stomach as he realized that his friends were most likely unaware of what was happening, and that he was all alone.

The hunter pushed him into the back of the van, slamming the door shut behind him. He felt the van begin to move, and knew that it was only a matter of time before he was out of the city, and possibly out of the state. His heart raced as he tried to come up with a plan to escape, or at least warn his friends.

The van drove through the city streets, heading towards the outskirts. Nick could see the tall, dark trees lining the road, their branches swaying gently in the evening breeze. As they drove further away from the city, he began to feel a sense of dread settle over him. The hunters were silent, and Nick didn't dare make any sudden movements that might draw their attention.

He tried to focus on anything that might help him escape or find his friends. He knew that the werewolf, demon, and witch would be looking for him by now, but with his phone being left where he was taken, they won't know where he is. He could feel his hopes beginning to slip away, replaced by a cold, heavy feeling in his chest as the hunter continued to drive.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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