our souls don't match anymore

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You kept me as yours for all these years
To turn to when you're alone, to call upon when you need help

And when I turned to you, you kissed me in the dark then faded into the shadows

You'll find someone new, like you always do, to hold, to cry, to tell your dreams to

You'll tell me how amazing she is while you caress my hair as I lay on your chest
Of how beautiful she is even when you started crying while you were still inside her 

And I'll ignore it hoping that it'll pass, but I'll remember it, like an iron branding on my skin

So We look beyond the stars on a roof, on a bed of gravel

I turn to look into your eyes for the first time in a long time, hoping they'll finally be clear for me
But they're so far away, like looking at someone you thought you knew this whole time but no longer

They look like We're different, separate, and We don't share the same dreams anymore

Now I'm the shadow, now I'm watching you in the dark, and I wonder, do you ever still think of me?

If I rang, would you even answer at all? Would you hear what I had to say, would you reach your hand out to me to pull me out of quicksand? Would I beg to hear the words I've wanted to fall from your lips? To hear you say that you wanted me even after all this time?

When I'd pick up the phone in the middle of the night, just to hear your voice, would you let go of her to hear mine too?

When I see the Beach, that We never even went to together, like the threshold of your house that's no longer yours that I stepped over when it was too late? To see into your world as I'd so desperately hoped, only to find that it wasn't the home I'd grown to know 

Would you do the same for me, even though our souls no longer recognize each other?

Even though when you told me it was over, We'd still be in the darkness reaching for each other
You're still my person, but I'm no longer yours

Would I still look if I passed you on the street? Would you turn your head if you thought you saw my face in an ocean of people, in a foreign land, on a crowded crosswalk or a lonely alley?

I'd look back, only to meet the back of your head, or maybe eyes that were still muddy, eyes filled with pity and love for someone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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