Teaser for Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

Relationships: The Player forms a bond with FoxFear, showing care and concern for the timid plushie throughout their journey. FoxFear looks to Player for guidance and protection, finding solace in their presence amidst the frightening circumstances they encounter. Together, Player and FoxFear navigate the dangers of the factory, facing challenges and uncertainties as they seek to escape the darkness.

Age: Depending on their age when they quit, The Player would be in their late 20s to early 30s at the time of the events in the story.

Sanity: Unbroken (Surprising I know)

Height: 6 feet tall. (Average)

Teaser for chapter 3 "Deep Sleep" 

This one will have two paths (DogDay is in both, but FoxFear and Player only save him in one I'm showing you the good ending.)

DogDay Bigger body version

Appearance: The Bigger Bodies version of DogDay takes on a ragged, monstrous appearance. Completely bisected at the waist, all that remains of DogDay is a thin dilapidated torso stained with blood and held together with a tan leather belt likely to keep the remains of his innards from falling out. He has large black stitches connecting both arms to his body which end in two massive human-like hands, and like CatNap, his black pupils have white irises. Also, like CatNap, he possesses large black sockets with no discernable eyes and a large gaping mouth with no semblance of teeth. He would be taller if it weren't for his lower waist being ripped forcefully off him. 

Height: He is still taller and bigger than The Player by a few inches. (Big baby)

Sanity: Compromised

The Player walks through the Playhouse using his GrabPacks Flare gun hand to scare off any mini critters going for him, FoxFear is on his back kinda scared and missing an eye revealing a white pupil underneath, dried blood under where their eye used to be.

They walk past a pool area until they enter a cell block area, the tone changes immediately.

The cell block area is dark and grim, with blood-stained walls and dimly lit candles casting flickering shadows across the cramped cells. The atmosphere is heavy with the smell of death, creating a sense of foreboding and unease. The walls are lined with small, cramped cells, their bars and metal doors adding to the sense of confinement and despair.

As The Player and FoxFear make their way through the cell block, the eerie silence of the area is broken only by the sound of their footsteps echoing off the cold, hard floors. The flickering candlelight creates a stark contrast between light and shadow, heightening the sense of tension and fear that permeates the space.

"You... your poppy angel."

The two look to the right to see DogDay, or what's left of him, he's hung by 6 leather straps by his arms in the cell, the door open taunting him with freedom.

"Come to save us... Nothing left to save here... not anymore...."

The player fires a red flare near him getting a better look at his injuries.

"You're in CatNaps home Angel... their home. A million pairs of eyes are watching you right now Angel."

The Player fires 5 flares in the holes surrounding DogDay keeping him safe if any mini critters come out.

"Watching, waiting, hungry. They want nothing more than too crawl beneath your skin eat away at you bit by little bit, fill what feels empty inside themselves. That thing... CatNap. The "Prototype" is his God, and this is what he does to heretics."

"Would you be quiet we're going to help you. FoxFear climb on his shoulders and get those straps off his arms."

FoxFear timidly obeys, climbing down from The Player's back and carefully making their way over to DogDay they climb up him. With shaky hands, they begin to undo the leather straps.

"Angel... what are you doing... I'll only slow you down... leave me."

"Shut up." The Player responds sharply, determined to help DogDay despite his protests.

"Please... Angel..."

FoxFear's small plush paws tremble as they carefully and gently untie the leather straps binding DogDay's arms, making sure not to cause any further harm. Their fearful eye shows a mix of concern and determination as they work to free their friend from his painful predicament.

Despite DogDay's protests and pleas to be left behind, FoxFear continues to work diligently, their small form showing surprising strength and resilience in the face of danger. With each strap undone, DogDay's twisted form begins to sag slightly, a mixture of relief and exhaustion crossing his ragged features. He looks at FoxFear.

"Y/N is that you in there?"

FoxFear freezes for a moment at the mention of Y/N's name, their eye widening in surprise and recognition. 

"Yes... it's me. We won't leave you behind," FoxFear whispers softly, their voice barely audible.

DogDay smiles a bit despite being in pain.

"You were always my favorite orphan."

The last leather strap finally comes undone, and with a soft thud, DogDay slumps down to the cold, hard floor of the cell. His twisted, mangled form seems to relax slightly as he is freed from the bonds that held him captive for so long. FoxFear scurries back to The Player's side, their small plush form trembling with exhaustion and relief.

DogDay looks up at The Player with a mix of gratitude and sorrow in his eyes, his ragged features softened by a glimmer of hope. Despite the pain and torment, he has endured over the years, there is a flicker of light in his eyes as he gazes at his rescuers.

"Thank you... Thank you, both of you," DogDay murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. The weight of his injuries and the lingering fear of his captivity seem to weigh heavily on him, but there is a glimmer of resilience in his gaze.

The Player crouches down, he knows with DogDay having no legs or even a lower waist he's gonna have to carry him, with the GrabPack also on his back its gonna be heavy.

"C'mon climb on were getting you out of here. sigh, man I'm gonna get my cardio in today."

DogDay grips onto the Player's shoulders tightly, his injured and ragged form struggling to support his weight. Each breath he takes is ragged and strained, the sound echoing through the dimly lit cell block. The pain from his injuries is evident in his haggard breathing, each exhale a testament to the suffering he has endured.

Despite the agony he is in, DogDay holds on firmly to the Player, his hands trembling with effort as he relies on their support to remain upright. The strain of his body weight on the Player's shoulders is palpable, the weight of his mangled form a heavy burden to bear.

The Player winces slightly at the added weight and strain, but his determination to help DogDay remains unwavering. He adjusts his grip on DogDay, making sure to support him as best as he can despite the difficult circumstances. With a grunt of effort, he shifts DogDay's weight to a more manageable position, readying himself to carry the injured plushie out of the cell block and to safety.

"FoxFear hold onto my leg, DogDay hug around me but keep off the arms, I still need to use my GrabPack to get us out of here." 

FoxFear hesitantly clings to the Player's leg, their small plush form trembling with fear and uncertainty as they brace themselves for the journey ahead. The Player takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead as he prepares to carry DogDay out of the cell block and navigate the treacherous corridors of the Playhouse.

End of teaser.

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