"Hm? I already made a deal with Mahito, It'll be fulfilled. You don't need to do anything"

"...maybe" Y/n then walked towards Mechamaru

"Please take me back so Geto doesn't get suspicious."



Setting: Right before the Kyoto sister goodwill school event

Y/n was wandering in a basement as she then opened a door.


The supposed guy lifts his head up "..Y/n?"

Then two other figures came into the room

Muta's eyes widened 'why were they here? The event hasn't happened yet?'

Y/n points at Muta and looks up at Mahito "Heal, now please"

"Yes yes.."

Mahito walked close to Muta's bathtub thing and put his hand on him

Muta's body quickly healed and he was able to have a full human body.

Muta looked surprised and looked down at his body, he moved his hand, gripping and ungripping it as a way to verify that he actually had a full body now.

Y/n then had a pink aura around her with flowers as she quickly ran as fast as she could towards Muta

She then hugged him while looking up at him "Muta.." (We gonna just pretend that he transformed with clothes)

Mahito picked Y/n up by the back of her little coat/scarf/??? and he moved towards Geto.

"Now we can't have Muta inform anyone of our plans, can we, Geto?"

Geto only nodded as Mahito handed him Y/n and he held Y/n in one of his arms.

Muta quickly sent out multiple Mechamarus towards Mahito but Mahito easily defeated them.

"Come on now... is that all you got?"

The ground beneath everyone started to rumble. Mahito stared at the ground with wide eyes 'what's happening?'

A gigantic version of mechamaru came out of the ground as Mahito got hit into the sky and broke the ceiling.
Geto held Y/n tightly and moved fast enough to a bridge nearby. He put a veil over the area they were in to stop Muta from simply escaping and telling Gojo about their plans.

(Skipping some time bc I CAN NOT for the love of my life, write fighting scenes :P)
(But summary, Mahito beat Muta)

Mahito put his hand on Muta and used Ideal Transfiguration on him to blow him up.

Y/n got out of Geto's grasp and looked at the large robot that was laying on the bridge


Y/n looked up at Geto "Don't worry Y/n, Muta is just having a talk with Mahito, he'll probably leave after that as well. Don't feel bad for him, he's a traitor"

"..." Y/n stayed quiet but Geto underestimated her. She already knew Muta died, and that Mahito killed him. It's just as He said...

Now that Y/n thought about it... didn't Geto already know about him?


Geto and Mahito were reporting some things and making sure there's nothing left in the basement.

Meanwhile Y/n was where Muta had died. She looked down at the blood.

She put her pointer and middle finger up and put her arms across from each other while a glowing symbol appeared.

"Sacred name: Fortune Preserver" With that, a burst of cold mist spread around Y/n.

And after a while Muta had sat up from his lying position.

Muta's eyes widened as his breath was heavy and he looked at his shaking hand.

"W-what...?" Muta stared at his hand and then at Y/n. Y/n stared back at him with a warm expression "Muta.."
"How am I?"

"I did it, you should leave and hide quickly"

"Huh? Why..?:

"Mahito and Geto are almost done with checking the basement, go and hide"

Y/n gave Muta a desperate look as she looked at him with worry and fear. She almost lost Muta.

Muta saw this and just nodded and stood up "I need to report this to Gojo.."


"What?" Muta turned his head to look at Y/n "I can't let you do that, Muta. You need to pretend to be dead"

"Why would I do that..?"

"Because the calculations will be off." Y/n shook her head "You'll throw everything off the scale if you report everything, please leave and hide Muta. You can meet everyone after I contact you again"

Muta was hesitant but looking at Y/n's desperate expression he nodded and left quickly.

Y/n then got some fake blood out and poured it on the ground where she remembered the blood was

She put the bottle back into her pocket and then just looked down at the blood.

A hand was put on her head as she jumped in shock "Haha, Y/n~ whatcha doing?"

Y/n put her act back up and pointed at the blood "Muta"

"Oh, that's not him. I mean it is but at the same time not. I chopped his arm off so it bled a lot. He'll be fine though" Mahito tried to lie to Y/n as he remembers Geto saying that they need to control and manipulate Y/n so she could fight in their plan.

He thought it would be easy since Y/n had "memory loss"

Oh how wrong he was...

Words: 1438
A/n: kinda just realized writing on a computer was easier so uh yer.

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