15 ~ grandstand

Depuis le début

"Two waffles." She states, placing them down in front of us. Charles picks them up and thanks her before walking away. Me and Alex follow him as we walk into the Ferrari garage.

"Waffle for sale!" He shouts, holding my waffle in the air. Lots of the mechanics and engineers quickly walk over after hear Charles' announcement.

I try to grab my waffle out of his hand but I'm too short. He smiles as I jump to reach it. I can't jump very high, so that doesn't work.

"Why don't you share your own?" I say, standing on my tiptoes and reaching up.

"This one's bigger anyway." He says, handing me his. I furrow my eyebrows at him and take a slight step back before taking his waffle out of his hand and looking at it.

Charles quickly eats half of his, offering the rest to Alex who refuses, before handing it to a mechanic to share with the rest of the garage. They all gather round, getting a piece each. I sit down in Charles' chair and begin eating mine.

Carlos sits down next to me, tapping the side of my upper arm with the back of his hand. I look at him and he gestures towards my waffle. I sigh slightly before cutting a small bit off and giving it to him.

"Is that it? Give me some more." He complains, taking the knife and fork out of my hands and cutting a bigger chunk off. I look at him in slight shock at the amount of waffle he just stole from me.

"I never get to eat these things. You should feel bad for me." He says, leaning back in his chair and smiling at me slightly.

"I should feel bad for this waffle." I state, laughing while finishing the rest of it. "Where's the bin?" I ask, standing up off the chair and holding the empty cardboard bowl in my hand.

"Just give it to Charles." Carlos shrugs, smirking slightly and nodding his head in Charles' direction. I walk over to him and hand him my rubbish without saying a word. He just has pure confusion spread across his face as I look at him when I get back to the chair. I smile at him and he laughs slightly before throwing it into the bin next to him.

"Can I watch the race from the grandstand?" I ask Carlos, looking at him. I don't sit down, waiting for my answer.

"I don't know why you're asking me. You should ask Charles." He says, looking at the race strategy on his computer. I sigh slightly before walking back over to Charles who is speaking to Alessandro.

"Charles." I drag out, looking up at him and smiling slightly.

"Yes?" He mimics me, looking at me and raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Can I please watch the race from the grandstand?" I ask, giving him a hopeful look. He thinks about it for a second.

"You can for me. But you'll have to ask Max, and you will have to take someone with you. You aren't going by yourself." He replies, sighing slightly and look around the garage.

"Why do I have to ask Max? He's not in charge. You are." I whine, holding my arms out to the side and letting them slap onto my thighs to make a point.

"You know when dads say you have to ask your mum, well this is the same thing. Go and ask Max." He says, smiling at me slightly. I sigh before walking out of the Ferrari garage and making my way down the pit lane.

"Woah kid!" A RedBull engineer shouts, placing his hand in front of me to stop me walking into the garage. Checo's car pulls out of the garage for a quick pit stop practice.

I walk in after his car is in the pit lane, and I see Max tying his race boots. I walk over to him and lean against the table next to him.

"Hey kid, you ok?" He asks, looking up at me and then standing up off the chair he was sat on.

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