"I didn't know much. Hyunjin would bring you up every now and then, complain about how talented you are, whinge that a 'kid' shouldn't be called an ace so young." Minho was smiling as he spoke.

"That's why he asked Changbin to perform at his parties. So that you would come, too. Suppose he wanted to weigh up the competition. I only really knew you from Hyunjin's perspective, and didn't think much of it..."

The pause in Minho's words let the sounds of the party surge in the quiet between the two boys. Jisung was watching him; he wasn't sure why he was holding his breath. Something was hanging on the end of Minho's words.

"...Then I saw you. You didn't see me, I know that much, but you were coming out of college late. Had your headphones in, you were glaring at something on your phone. Typing away like a psycho. I'd seen pictures of you before, but in person, you really are something different."

Jisung's mouth was near enough hanging open. He poked with one persistent finger at Minho's shoulder so that Minho would turn to look at him. When Minho did, Jisung gave him an incredulous look.

"Why didn't you speak to me then?" Jisung demanded. "Think how much time we've wasted because you were, what, shy?"

This made Minho grin. "Who said I was shy? Yeah, you're gorgeous, but all I'd heard from Hyunjin was that you were a handful. A brat, even."

Jisung pulled a face. He made a mental note to have some serious words with Hyunjin, as soon as he had a chance. A brat? Really? Probably fair, but he wasn't that much of a brat, right?

"You really are that much of a brat when you want to be," Minho confirmed, even without Jisung having to ask. Jisung pulled another, more annoyed face.

"So what changed?" Jisung pondered.

"When you saw me for the first time... At that party, when you were performing. We made eye contact, and something shifted. Something seemed different. Felt like you weren't the Jisung people spoke about, but someone else."

"You nearly ruined it for yourself, though, acting the way you did the first few times we spoke. I could see right through you, but still, that little act was almost enough to put me off."

"Almost," Jisung taunted. "But you couldn't resist, hmm?"

Minho batted wide, dark eyes at Jisung. "How could I?"

There was a moment where Jisung was seriously concerned Minho was going to try and fuck him again. That would've been a dream any other time, and he probably would've let him if he tried, but truth be told he was aching from the first time. Could do with the break. So he shuffled further down into the bed and used a gentle touch to tuck Minho's head back onto Jisung's stomach.

Minho noticed before he rested his head that Jisung had glanced nervously at the door as he moved.

"Worried you're missing out on the party?" Minho asked lightly.

This drew a cautious laugh from Jisung. "More worried that you're roommate is going to slaughter me for keeping him out his room again."

"Don't be. Seungmin can sleep in Hyunjin's room, the bed is big enough for them both. He'll complain about it, sure, but he wouldn't be the Kim Seungmin I know if he wasn't complaining about something."

Jisung faltered slightly at this: "Won't Hyunjin want to... I don't know... What if he wants someone else to sleep in there?"

Minho shook his head. "He pretends, but that's not Hyunjin. He's a romantic, really, not that much of a slut."

"Unlike you?" teased Jisung. "Mr 'It's Not My First Time'?"

"Is that your way of asking me how many people I've slept with?" Minho retorted.

"Not sure I wanna know," Jisung answered with a groan. Another laugh from Minho.

"Doesn't matter," Minho mumbled. He was starting to sound sleepy, and if Jisung could see his face, he would've seen already narrow eyes becoming closer to slits.

"Ask me how many people I've dated," Minho continued, voice growing slower and smaller.

Jisung hesitated. Did he want to know the answer to that?

"How many people have you dated?" Jisung asked purely out of obligation to do what Minho wanted, and then braced himself for the answer.

"Depends if you want me to take you on a date." Minho's response made something twist in Jisung's stomach.

"If I say yes, then what would your answer be? How many people?" Jisung pulled at a thread that he worried might make him feel worse.

A twist of Minho's head, a sweet smile, lazy and sent in Jisung's direction. A small kiss, quick and warm on Jisung's chest.

"Let me take you out tomorrow," Minho murmured. "And the answer would be one."

It made Minho smile almost smugly, as he felt through Jisung's skin the racing of the younger's heartbeat. The way his skin seemed to bristle with goosebumps and then soften into something happy, warm. He felt Jisung tuck a hand into his hair and hold his head tenderly.

"Sleep now?" The way Minho asked made it seem like he'd already decided on an answer. His lips had barely moved, his eyes now cemented shut.

"Sleep now," Jisung smiled as he whispered back.

But sleep was a million miles away for Jisung. Everything, everywhere, all at once, it had all come so quick and he wasn't sure how to process it. Meeting Minho, Minho's friends, everything with Jisung's own friends, the fight, the arguing, the kiss, the sex, the sweet and sure I love you from Minho-

He paused.

Jisung hadn't said it back. He figured it had been implied, was too taken aback that Minho had said it all, and he'd completely forgotten to voice it. What if Minho died in his sleep, having never heard how Jisung felt? What if Jisung woke up mute and could never tell Minho himself? What if the world ended, with Minho feeling his love was one-sided?

It took everything in Jisung not to cry as he shook Minho awake. Minho's eyes fluttered half-open and he turned his still sleepy gaze onto Jisung. Blinked at him, long, slow, waiting for words which didn't come. Jisung simply stared at him.

"Hmm?" Minho hummed. "You okay?"

"I-" Why was it so hard to say?

Maybe the way Minho was looking at him, or the way Minho looked. Maybe Jisung's anxiety meds were wearing off. Maybe because it was the first time he'd said it properly, three words chained together. Maybe it was everything; maybe it was nothing.

But then there was a small whine from Minho, the once intimidating hyung made of steel and rock and ice, soft and warm with his cheek still resting against Jisung and his limbs tangled so he touched every possible surface of the younger.

"I love you," Jisung breathed. "Love you, I love you, I like you and I love you and-"

Minho's smile, once again, was easy, slow.

"Had to tell me now?" he asked. "Couldn't wait til the morning?"

Jisung wasn't going to respond. Instead, he'd made himself comfortable in the brief moment whilst Minho was awake, curled his arm around Minho and shifted so their legs fit together easily. Breathed out, watched Minho's eyes fall closed again, let his own eyes do the same.

After a second of thought, mumbled his answer into the darkness, let it rise above the noise still ongoing from the party and then persist in the air around them.

"I'll tell you in the morning, too. Every chance I get."


:( so soft those are my babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all mine!!!!!!!!! yes they are older than me but i birthed them and raised them and will love them in this life and the next!!!!!!!

two chapters left :-( HOWEVER currently thinking about writing a book where they are proper enemies to lovers cos im in the mood for some hate sex hahahah

coincidental | minsungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora