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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃When He saw you, his heart seemed to explode and beat 10 times faster at your beauty

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃When He saw you, his heart seemed to explode and beat 10 times faster at your beauty. From head to toe, he thought you looked like a goddess , yet he couldn't understand why his stomach felt like it had butterflies

"Like what you see, Katsu?" You joked,

"Yes." He said without thinking , his cheeks turning scarlett red

"Awe, thanks, love! I'll be back later~" you waved him and mina off, yet he was stuck in place, watching you sway side to side as you left.

He wished it was him you were dressed up for... But why did he want that? The boy was clueless on the feelings that began to bubble in him for you, the idea of wanting you more as his best friend not seeming bad . His mind had been wrecked ever since you came back, but now  it had became 10 times worse. He wanted... no needed  to why.

"She looks good, doesnt she Bakugo?"

"Yeah..." he said, his mind stuck in a daze

"Bakubae with no cussing? Come with me !" the girl ushered, grabbing the blondes pale wrist, dragging  him to her dorm.

once inside, she shut the door quickly to her pink palace, sitting him on her vanity chair and her, in her bed.

" Why did you straight up say she looks good to the both of us? Are you feeling okay?" the girl ushered for responses

"What the fuck are you going on about pinky "

"All of us see it, except well Y/N. You've been like calm... well calmer than your usual self ... Its like when she came , she flipped a switch in you and when its just you two, i hear that you still obviously curse like a sailor... but you dont yell with everything you say. You genuinely are happy around her . At least she thinks you are... And you know all I want is for my two besties to be happy!!" the girl began to ramble, bringing up moments that Katsuki had been around you, and seemed happy

"I dont  like that shitty nerd, pinky. I dont know what the fuck you and the others see but i dont ." he growled, his wall reinforcing itself.

He knew something was bubbling inside , but he would rather keep it as anger and act like it doesnt exist . Maybe then, the feelings would fade. Afterall, he was trying to become the number one hero! He had no time for relationships!


Days had passed since Bakugo discovered his recent emotion and it begun to become quite obvious to everyone, well except you.

Kaminari and Sero  began to tease the blonde, especially after they caught him staring at her a few times.

Earlier in the class, it had been determined that the UA festival was still going on,  and your class decided on doing a concert.

You and Jirou were to play bass, Bakugo on the drums , Denki on electric, then Momo on keyboard.  Everyone else was either stage crew or had been stage dancers, hoping the concert would go as smooth as possible.

When news broke that Y/N knew how to play guitar, it wasn't surprising Katsuki believed she was lying and wanted to see for himself before practice. It was his way of getting her alone  and seeing  if he still got butterflies around you  and your perfect smile.

As the day came to an end, the Bakusquad noticed the awkwardness between you and Katsuki. Both of you obviously had discovered something you didn't want to share with the class, and that was okay.. What wasnt't had been the two of you acting weird, yet sneaking looks at one another.

"Yo, Bakubro! walk with me!" the redhead  basically demanded once the last bell  had rung, you and mina running along with the other girls ( excluding the three)

The rest of the Bakusquad walked  far  enough to hear, yet not close enough to seem like they were trying go  as they were wanting answers more than ever. Even if they didnt get an answer, they were gonna meddle anyways in order to get their closest friends together.

"How are you and Y/N?" the redhead started, looking over at the blonde who's face contorted many different emotions

"Mph fucking  fine. Why?"

"You guys were off all day... And something is different with you is all!

You're like really calm lately... But only when shes around! Dont get me wrong, we dont hate it but we also think its a little unnatural coming from you "


"I never said you did."

"Oh..." the blonde stuck his hands in his pocket, his face  red from yelling .

Was he wrong for thinking you melanin skin was beautiful and he wanted to always touch it because you looked smooth? Or, that he thought your curls were gorgeous? Or even the fact he loved to make you laugh, and when he was around you, he didn't need to have his walls up?  He loved that he could be both sides of him around you and the fact you didnt judge him made it better. He loved bow strong and courageous you were, even when you were scared. He had began to love everything about you, which makes sense for how calm he had been and to why he wasn't yelling at you anymore and was so welcoming when you came to his dorm just to talk his ear off. Maybe thats why he was so worried about you when he saw you on the news  the other night. He was scared he lost his favorite person... his bestfriend.... but most of all,

his crush.

Genie| K. Bakugo {REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now