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   𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅, feeling upset for a reason that seemed stupid to him

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   𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅, feeling upset for a reason that seemed stupid to him. He missed you, and he felt that it was a stupid reason for him to be upset. You guys had just hung out the other day after all.

   He enjoyed being friends with you, a lot. Every single moment you guys shared was filled with laughter, there was never a dull moment when you two were together. You made him so happy that he wanted to see you every single day.

   He knew that wasnt really possible as you had a life of your own, but he really wanted to see you. He thought about it for a while before sighing in frustration and shaking his head. He couldn't stop thinking about what to do, and more specifically you. Finally, after all that thinking and contemplation, he made a decision to text you.

   You were laying in bed, scrolling mindlessly through your phone, liking stories and posts. It was a normal routine for you. You were bored out of your mind, lazily swiping when you got a text from Jay. You instantly got excited.

Jay 🙈🧡
you home?

yea why?

Jay 🙈🧡
nuthin jus bored

me too 😢

Jay 🙈🧡
come over

Read 11:18 PM

   You smiled to yourself at his text, thinking about it. Since you lived in the same building as him it wouldn't take you long. Standing up, and off the bed, you made your way out of your room. It was just going to be the two of you so there was no need to dress up. It was dark out anyway so you decided to head over with your pajamas.

   You grabbed your keys and airpods before exiting the front door to your apartment, making sure to lock it before you left of course.

   It took about 4 minutes before you finally arrived in front of his door. You knocked on it, hearing some shuffling behind the door before it was opened. You were met with a smiling Jay, who rubbed his eyes with his free hand.

   "Move." You spoke, with a joking tone which made him laugh before he opened the door fully so you could walk in. "You sassy as fuck."

   You took a seat on his couch, watching him as he locked the door and looked back at you. He was still smiling, as he sat down next to you. He already felt so much better.

   "Why were you bored?" You questioned, as he sat close to you, not that you minded. "Ion know, I missed you." He said, smiling at you. You couldn't help but smile back at him. If only he knew how he made you feel. "I missed you too." You told him, as he wrapped his arms around your waist in a hug. You returned the hug, expecting him to pull away soon but he didn't.

   You loved long hugs, he knew that, thats why he was hugging you for so long. He rested his head on your shoulder, arms wrapped tightly around you. "You good?" You asked him a little worried. You guys didn't share long hugs unless the other person was feeling upset or something. So it was a little strange.

   He nodded his head into your shoulder, mumbling a 'Yeah'. "You sure?" You questioned, wanting to make sure. He pulled away from the hug, staring at you, feeling his heart grow heavy. The more he looked at you the more he wanted to spill. He wanted to tell you how he felt so bad it was driving him insane at this point. He didn't want to ruin the friendship you two shared, but he didn't want to keep a secret as big as this away from you. You deserved to know.

   He stayed silent for a few more seconds before finally speaking, "I need to tell you somethin'." You stared at him, your worries growing. "What is it?" You questioned nervously.

   "I love you." He spoke, looking at your face which didn't show much reaction. You didn't think it was romantic, you said 'I love you' to your best friends all the time, it was normal. "More than a friend." He added on, clearing up whatever thoughts you had in your mind. At his words, your brows raised. You were not expecting this.

   "You got me worried as hell." You said, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. You were expecting some dramatic sentence or something. He looked at you confused, did you not hear what he just said. "I love you too, Jay. More than a friend. I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how." You told him, as he smiled.

   "Really?" He asked, feeling all giddy and all that happy shit. Thats really all he wanted to hear and know, that you reciprocated his feelings. You nodded your head at him, giving him confirmation that you were being geniune. He was ecstatic, it was hard to believe someone loved him back, but he knew you did. It was geniune.

   "I love you so much, you the only girl I love." He told you, wrapping his arms back around you tightly and burying his face into your neck. Your arms wrapped loosely around his neck, holding him close to you. You smiled at his sweet words.

   You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as he kept his face close to yours. Your eyes wandered to the clock, reading the time, 11:37 PM. No wonder you were feeling tired, it was late.

   "You tired?" He mumbled to you, kissing your temple as you slowly nodded your head. Jay then moved your head so it was on his chest. He rested laid back on the couch, bringing you to lay on top of him. He was getting comfy.

   His warmth was very soothing, and so was his presence. You felt yourself get even sleepier, your eyes growing heavy. Hopefully you could fall asleep as sometimes you found it hard to sleep, no matter how tired you were.

   His hand rubbed your back, lulling you to sleep and comforting you. He kissed the top of your head, watching as you blinked slowly before your eyes shut fully, falling asleep.

   As you fell asleep, the only thing on your mind was your new relationship with Jay, and just him in general. Your thoughts finally dispersed, your mind clearing as you let yourself give into sleep, relaxing into him.

   You knew he was the one for you. You felt the happiest with him, everything he did just made you fall deeper in love with him. He was so perfect, it was all you thought about when you looked at him. Although he had flaws of his own, it didnt matter to you. It would never matter to you. You could never stop loving him and you didnt want to stop loving him. Neither did he.

 Neither did he

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1213 words.

A/N: im sorry for not publishing at all lately. imma get back to it.

𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt