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( Jk is sleeping on floor while holding hands and slowly slowly yn open her eyes but close them immediately because of sunlight after sometime she open her eyes and see she is in different room she gets confused but she remembered yesterday's incident making her scared and she sit on bed screaming loudly)


( Listening her shout jk flinch in his sleep and get up see she is shouting before he can even go near her all members came inside listening YN'S voice ).

Taehyung:- what happened to her jungkook* worriedly*

Jimin:- yah why she is screaming like .

Jk:- don't know hyung what happened to her she is shouting like this .

Suga :- * angry* I know he did something with her. What you did with her tell me 😡

Jk:- no hyung I didn't do anything.

Namjoon:- for god sake stop it both of you and see what happened to her .

( Listening to his they both look towards yn who is now shouting and crying like a baby jk goes towards her try to hold her hand but she back away making him heart clench)

Yn:- * sobbing* don't touch yniee you are bad .

(Listening her words he felt bad now she is scared of him so he make some distance and sit and said )

Jk:-* softly* baby please listen I will never hurt you I'm sorry * with teary eyes*

Yn:-* back away while shouting* no you will kill me all are bad * crying*

( Listening her words he widened his eyes because she thought he will kill her )

Jk:- no baby I'm so-* cut off by Suga*

Suga :- yniee what happened to you why are you behaving like this .

(Listening his voice she turn towards him and look towards him. With her doe eyes and asked )

Yn:- meow meow oppa .

( Listening her calling him he smiled and went towards her and hold her hands )

Suga :- can I ask you one thing.

Yn:-* nodded* yes

Suga :- will you come with me to my house we will play there hmm .

(Jk gets tensed listening his words he just wished yn to say no to him but)

Yn:- really can I come with you * sparkling eyes*

Suga :-* chuckles* yes you can come with me I already decorated your room with lots of teddies .

Yn:- * happily* really thank you shoooo much oppppppa lob u * kiss his cheeks*

( Seeing this jungkook 's blood boiled and trying to control himself)

Suga :- so will you come with me  princess* give hand*

Yn:-* hold his hand*  yesh but * pout*

Suga :-* frown* but what  cutie hmm

Yn:- my legs hurts shoo much that's why I can't walku * pout*

Suga :-* smile * oh you no need to worry I will carry you .

Yn:- * gasp* you can lift me * point at herself cutely*

Suga :- you think I can't lift you * raise eyebrow*

Yn:- noi noi not like that what if your muscles hurt  I don't want to hurt you oppa * pout sadly*

Suga :- * laugh* nothing will happen to me ok now come let's go .

Yn:- okie * she was about to go but jk held her hand and say*

Jk:- please 🥺 don't go baby I'm sorry.

Yn:-* scared* please leave me oppa oppa savu me .

( Suga make jungkook leave her hand he lift her in coala style and take her belongings and left with her and jungkook just looking at where she left )

Jk:- she left hyungs she left me * crying*

( All feel bad seeing him in this condition they thought about giving him some time and all left except taehyung he goes towards jk )

Taehyung:- she will come back to you but she needs time .

Jk:- * with red eyes* but hyung how can I leave without her.

Taehyung:- you can meet her daily at Suga's house right.

Jk:-* nodded* no matter how much she ran away from me I will make her mine .

Taehyung :- ok let's go and eat lunch .

( With this both went to dining table for dinner ).

MAFIA'S CUTE LOVE STORY Where stories live. Discover now