Haneul called that phone number many times and while calling he was crying because he was happy on one side and sad on the other side. Haneul heard Jeongguk yelling for her. When she heard a sleepy voice on the other end of the phone he cried "Mamma".

With Taehyung

"Mamma" Taehyung was woken up by the sound of a baby crying. And he started shaking jimin by turning the phone speaker loud. "Jimin wake up look a kid called me." Jimin and Taehyung sat up at the screams. And he was also surprised to hear the tone of the child's voice.

Taehyung :

"Who are you baby?! What's your name?!"

?? :

"Mwmma, I'm your hani, you dwon't know me!! I miss you swo mwuch!!"
("Mamma, I'm your hani, you don't know me!! I miss you so much!!")


aehyung :

"Aww baby did you want to call your mom?? Forgive me, I'm not your mother baby! You called the wrong number!! And don't cry at all, call your mother!"


"You're my mamma I know you're Jeon Haneul's mamma!!" [He screamed those words!!]

Suddenly, Taehyung heard a man shout from the other side of the phone. "JEON HANEUL!! WHERE ARE YOU?? COME OUT NOW, WHERE ARE YOU HIDING?!"


"Plewase cwome to me mwmma, daddy doesn't lobe me at all always swcolding me!!" (Crying) {"Please come to me mommy, daddy doesn't love me at all always scolding me!!"}

There was a loud door opening from the other side and the phone hung up.

Taehyung looked at Jimin and said "Jimin we need to locate this phone immediately!! I think the kid is in some danger!!" Jimin looked at Taehyung and said "What would you do knowing that?? It's their family business. You're a complete unknown stranger that the kid called as his mother!!!" "All those things will be thought of later and my mind won't rest until I find out!! You call soobin immediately and tell him to trace this location!!" Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand and said "Don't get so excited I'm telling him right away!!"

5 minutes later

"Got it, let's go!!" Jimin looked at Taehyung saying this and said again "This address isn't far, 20 minutes from here!!" Taehyung quickly got ready and left with Jimin!!


""Jeongguk don't be too angry" Yoongi tried to convince Jeongguk. "Even you can't stop me today Hyung! Her courage is growing day by day!!" Jeongguk opened the door of Haneul's room and he was very angry when he saw the phone in Haneul's hand. He went to Haneul and asked "What are you doing with the phone??" Haneul looked at Jeongguk and said "I was trying to call mamma!!" And hearing this, Jeongguk's head felt like it was bleeding in anger.

"Everyone get out of this room!!" Jeongguk shouted. Everyone means that some maid came to this room with Jeongguk. Hearing Jeongguk's screams, everyone runs away in fear and before leaving, Yoongi says "control your anger!!" Jeongguk sat down next to Haneul and said "Lay on your back on my lap, and take off your pants." Haneul lied down as Jeongguk said and again Jeongguk said "count how many times you get slapped on your bum! Remember these slaps before making any mistakes!!"

Hello Mamma 🫶Where stories live. Discover now