ch. 25

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💛y/n pov💛

⚠️tw: puke/throw-up(no pictures but even i can't imagine throw-up)(emetophobia kills😞)

I wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom to throw up. But I'm not in my room.

I'm in Walker's room.

Walker comes running into the bathroom to pull my hair back so it doesn't get gross.

"It's ok, it'll be alright..." he comforts me.

Once I think I'm done throwing-up, I lay back against the bathtub and ask "What happened?"

He lets go of my hair, but stays attentive in case I throw-up again. "You got drugged, but before that apparently you chugged three cups of beer? I'm not sure, that's what Momona told me."

"Oh. Well, wait. Did I at least have fun?"

"Probably. I'm not sure, I left you like right after we got to the party."

"Oh, yeah! I remember that. Why did you leave anyway?"

I see him start to fiddle with his fingers and avoid looking at me.

"Walker." I grab his hand and he turns back to me. "What is it?"

He takes a deep breath and swiftly says "The crazed fan texted me again last night. I just didn't think to tell you."

I gasp and stand up. "Walker! Why didn't you tell me?"

"You've been having such a good time with everything that's been going on, I didn't think-"

"Exactly! You didn't think! You should be telling me this stuff, Walker!" I yell.

We hear a knock on his bedroom door and he goes to open it. I wait in the bathroom to hear what their conversation.

It's muffled, but I can still make out words. Leena's asking for peace and quiet so she can sleep, and then wonders what's going on. Walker says him and I are just hanging out in the bathroom.

Leena eventually leaves, not thinking anything of it.

This is the time when I really regret drinking. I throw up once more, and Walker comes into the bathroom to comfort me and hold my hair back.

After that, he gets a bowl, puts it beside his bed, and puts my hair in a ponytail/bun or literally just holds it back as we fall back asleep.


I wake up to my phone dinging like crazy. I rub my eyes and turn to Walker. He's laying there so silently, yet so noisily. His snores are making me crack up.

I grab my phone off the side table. I scroll through my notifications to see the usual tags on Insta, the occasional DM on TikTok, least 300 texts from Xochitl?

What happened? Is Xochitl dying?

I open our messages.


today, 2:43 AM

dancing queen👑






oh shit wait nvm

i forgot u went home with walker

have a fun night...😏

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