Shiloh looked to Pedro. This was the one thing they hadn't discussed. People assumed it remained Henderson and some assumed it was changed to Pascal. Pedro slightly hoped Pascal but Shiloh wasn't sure which side she was on. "Henderson-Pascal." Best of both worlds right?

"Shiloh Henderson-Pascal." Carson turned fully to Shiloh now, she was drinking her water nervously after having to improvise right off the bat with this interview. "How are you first of all?"

"I'm good how about yourself?"

"No complaints here! How are you navigating this newfound fame? You've always been around the spotlight but never in it yourself, correct?"

Shiloh nodded, trying to keep her composure as the anxiety was building in her stomach. "Correct. My best friends father is a director so I've been around that famous life but remained out of it until very recently. I'm handling it well I think? It's all still very new honestly."

"It takes some getting used to for sure. The internet is a wild place and things get out all the time? I've gotta know the secret to keeping a relationship with such a high profile guy a secret?"

Shiloh just shrugged. "I can't reveal that because then you'd know how we did it. That'll be between us." She looked at Pedro who gave her a thumbs up which relaxed her a ton.

"How long have you guys been together?"

She looked to Pedro, blanking if there was a number in place but he just gave her a nod to make something up. "About a year and a half. We met at my shop when his sister Lux had come in looking for some clothes." She paused knowing Carson was going to want the whole story and decided to just run it quickly before she forgot it. "He came up to the counter and said "not that the women's clothing isn't nice, I just don't think it works for me. Got any men's clothing?" And at the time we didn't sell men's clothing in the store so I looked at him and said "eventually we will but not today. You're welcome to check out our jumpsuits though, those might look cute on you." His sister had bought some clothes and they left. Never thought I'd see him again."

"But he came back?"

"But he came back." She chuckled with Carson. "He came back with Lux who had come to the counter and asked me what a nice dress would be for a first date. I picked out a dress and showed her. She liked it and Pedro had approached the counter as I was checking out the dress, he put his card down and said "so this is what you're wearing on our first date?" And I looked at him with a questionable look before just shrugging and saying "yeah it is." Now here we are." Shiloh spoke giving Pedro a smile as he looked down at her with proud eyes.

"Here you are married. Congratulations by the way, that ring is gorgeous!" Shiloh thanked him as she looked down at it, still mesmerized by the fact it was hers. "Tell me about your first date. What was it about Pedro that really won you over? Was that the night you knew he was the one?"

Shiloh smiled and let out a long breath. "As cheesey as it's going to sound, yes it was the night I knew he was the one." She continued to look at the ring before looking back at Pedro. "We were on this rooftop restaurant with the stars directly above us. We were getting to know each other, talking about careers and things we liked, disliked, all of that first date shit. Oh sorry can I swear?" Carson nodded and Shiloh chuckled seeing Pedro's manager and publicist face palm. "Anyway, it was a great night. They were preparing to close down the restaurant but Pedro knew the manager who gave him a key and let us stay up on the rooftop to watch the stars. Pedro had given me his jacket, which is still in my side of the closet, before we laid down on the table and watched the stars until sunrise."

Pedro was picturing every thing she described like it actually happened. He was seeing it in her eyes. The constellations, the sun peaking over the Hollywood hills, the crimson of their cheeks. Everything in her eyes as he listened to her describe this beautiful evening they hadn't experienced. He was determined to make this fantasy a reality by any means necessary. He needed to. Seeing the hope on her face and the way her eyes never left his as she talked about a fictional night they never shared was all he needed to light a fire under him and do this for her. "Pedro was that also the night you knew?" Pedro's thoughts of what she would wear were interrupted when Carson and the crew turned around to him.

Wrapped Around Your Finger [Pedro Pascal]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora