"My home," the fox demon said.

"Your home?" the hellhound asked, surprised by this.

The fox demon opened the igloo door and beckoned for the hellhound to come in.

"Do you have siblings?" she asked, once the hellhound was inside.

"No.." he said

"Me neither," the fox demon said. "I've heard it can be quite lonely as an only child."

She looked at the hellhound, waiting to see if he wanted to say more about his experiences growing up without siblings.

After a few more moments of silence, the fox demon looked around at the quiet igloo.

"Would you like something to eat?" she asked the hellhound.

The fox demon went into the kitchen of the igloo, preparing a meal for the both of them. The hellhound sat at a small table, watching the fox demon's movements with interest.

"So you live here all by yourself?" he asked.

"Yes, I do," the fox demon said. She was chopping up some meat and vegetables with precision and efficiency. "This igloo was my home long before it became part of Hell."

"Do you have a family?" he asked

The fox demon paused in her work, a momentary flicker of pain across her face.

"No," she said. "I don't."

he looked sad to hear that.

The hellhound shook his head no.

"Well, at least we're in the same boat on that one," the fox demon said, with a light laugh.

"So, we can be siblings?" he asked.

The fox demon paused, surprised by the question. But... maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, she thought. She'd never had a younger sibling before.

"Why not?" she said. "We are both alone in this world, after all."

The hellhound smiled at this response. "Okay," he said, relief and excitement and even a bit of joy in his voice.

"And since we're siblings, that means... I can eat your food whenever I want?" he jokingly added.

The fox demon laughed at this comment.

"Sure, you can eat my food whenever you like," she said. "But you'll also have to eat whatever terrible food I cook, so I hope you like a lot of questionable food combinations."

A few years go by Chewy is now 23

The older sibling, Beelzebub, had watched the younger sibling develop into a young adult and felt a great sense of pride in what he'd become. He was no longer the scared and confused child who had come to her door years ago. Now he was confident and competent, and he could even hold his own in a fight if the situation arose. It made Beelzebub's heart swell with joy to see how much her younger sibling had grown.

"Chewy You are fired!" said His boss

Chewy couldn't believe what he had just heard. His boss was firing him from his job? And without any warning or explanation, too? It felt like a slap in the face. He had worked so hard at this job. He had done everything that had been asked of him. And now he was being dismissed like he meant nothing...

"What?!" Chewy said, "You can't do that!"

The boss was silent, seemingly unfazed by Chewy's outburst. They simply held up a paper that contained the employee handbook.

Helluva Boss: ChewyWhere stories live. Discover now