VIII: Homecoming Part 2

Start from the beginning

"What took so long?"

"You didn't tell me my dad was gonna be home tonight," she said, throwing her clutch beside her.

"Thought he had business at the compound," Happy admitted, starting the car. Julia's eyes narrowed.

"You're his head of security," she reminded him.

"You assume that means he tells me everything," he argued, making her shake his head. "What's it matter to you?" Happy asked, pulling onto the street. Julia didn't answer, she just pulled out her phone to tell Peter they'd be there in twenty. Happy's eyes narrowed at her in the rearview mirror. "You haven't told him."

"Obviously. He doesn't want me around Peter, whether it be because he thinks I'll screw him up, or because he doesn't want me meddling in his precious super hero world or--doesn't matter, there isn't even anything to tell him, it's not real, remember?"

Happy nodded slowly. That was too many words in too few seconds, and it was usually better to let Julia cool off when that happened. But they both knew what she refused to admit about the realness of the situation.

"May!" Peter called as soon as he heard the door open and close.

"Hey, honey!" she called back, throwing her bag and keys down on the kitchen table. Peter heard them clink as they hit it.

"Can you help me?" he asked, not hiding the embarrassment in his voice very well. May's brow furrowed before she went over to his room and saw her nephew struggling to tie a tie that she didn't even know he owned. Her eyes narrowed, shooing his hands away from it. "You'd think I'd know how to do this by now," he muttered. In a matter of seconds May had most of the information she needed. She kept herself up to date on the happenings at Midtown, she knew what tonight was. What she couldn't figure out was why her nephew was going, especially after last year, and who he would be going with.

"This is new," she said, finishing the knot on the tie

"Yeah, I didn't have one that matched Jules' dress," he muttered, clearly not even registering he said it, as he looked in the mirror to fold his collar over the tie. But he did instantly pick up on May's alarm behind her round glasses in the mirror. Peter paused, then turned around. "Right," he began. "Uh, you remember the party? Like a month ago?" May only nodded. "Yeah, well, after that, we just kinda started... talking more," he explained, finding that to be the best way to put this without telling his aunt about their elaborate scheme, or about his huge gigantic crush on her, which she gathered already from the redness of his face. "So I uh," he shrugged. "I asked her, and surprisingly, she said yes," he said, giving her a nervous smile.

May nodded slowly. "Huh."

"And she's gonna be here in like fifteen minutes," he added, just so she'd stop standing around and help him finish getting ready. Luckily, it startled his aunt enough to get her moving. "What else do I need?" he asked.

May was already off to the bathroom to get him cologne. "I thought after last year--"

"I know, I know, but as far as I can tell, Tony Stark is not going to turn into a supervillain and ruin the dance," he said, pulling his suit jacket on. "Unless, of course, he finds out that I'm with his daughter," he added in a mumble, trying not to panic too much about it. He knew it was entirely possible, but he hoped maybe they could get away with it and just enjoy the night. He was spending it with Julia, who would be in a gold dress, all dolled up, how could he not enjoy it.

He looked down at himself, what else did he need? He'd showered, brushed his teeth, again, put on deodorant, had his suit mostly on... Shoes. As he exited his bedroom he was met with a cloud of cologne, walking right into it. He began coughing, swatting it out of the air as best he could.

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