The second she opened her eyes from the smile she gave, the blood had returned covering everything within sight. It was just her mind playing tricks on her, there was nothing to be afraid of... nothing at all.

On her way to class, Everea ran into Zero again, this time the girl Yuki being with him. Giving them both a smile, she waved, jogging over to meet them. "Hi. It's nice to finally get to meet you for real." Giving Yuki a small bow, Everea was nothing short of manners, and actually was happy to have girl friend. Even if she couldn't tell her anything, at least she knew the night class was full of monsters. 

"It's nice to meet you too! Zero told me about you. It's not often I can get him to be nice or talk about much!" As the Yuki girl giggled, Everea shivered, feeling a pair of eyes on them. It seemed like the only one who didn't notice was Yuki, Zero having gone a bit tenser too.

"We should probably head to class, it's about to start." Glad to have an excuse to get out of there, Everea swiftly lead the way to their classroom. Half way there, they were stopped by someone from the night class, Everea immediately stepping in front of the other two and placing her hand near her weapon. Without warning, Kaname Kuran came out from the other side of the corner, Everea's stomach wrenching and her face paling. 

Before she could get a word out, Yuki seemed to beam, a shy smile on her face as she bowed to him, "Nice to see you again, Kaname-Sama." Surprised by how Yuki was acting, Everea blinked several times, looking back at Zero in slight confusion. Was there something going on between the two of them?

"Yuki... It's nice to see you too. How are you doing?" His voice sounded sweeter than normal, making the redhead want to puke. Seeing how Yuki reacted to him, she realized he must've messed with her head worse than he's messed with her own.

Grabbing Yuki's hand, she pulled the girl behind her and began to walk, "We're going to be late." As she walked off, she could tell Kuran was a bit pissed, her back shaking as she lead a speechless Yuki away, Zero trailing behind them. The hell is with that guy!

⊱—————— ✧——————⊰

As the day went on, Everea tried her best to forget the run in this morning. But it was proving difficult as her mind drifted back to yesterdays events. Pureblood. A scoff escaped her as she rested her head against her arms and tried not to get anxious. Maybe coming here wasn't the best choice. If Albert had known, would this have been his wish for her? Shaking her head, Everea excused herself from the class and left for the headmasters office. 

She decided she would resign from school. It wasn't like she didn't want to be there, but the mess it turned into. It was better for her to disappear. Before she reached the door, a shudder ripped through her. Once again, blood splattered the walls, her heart wrenching as she stumbled. Why now? Catching herself on the wall, her eyes darting around the hallway, she tried to make the vision go away, her head spinning and throbbing. 

"Just go away..." She murmured, clutching her head, as she crouched in the hallway. After a few moments, she heard footsteps echoing down the hall, her panic kicking into high gear as she stood up from her spot by the wall and made a mad dash for the headmasters office. Knocking frantically three times, she waited for him to answer and quickly entered, shutting the door behind her.

By the time she turned around, the blood was gone. The visions came in short bursts, and it was a relief they didn't last longer. Even as the relief washed over her with that realization, a new horror was standing in front of her. Headmaster Cross wasn't alone; Kaname Kuran was seated before him, both of their heads now turned towards her.

Shit... Even as she mentally cursed, Everea approached the two of them cautiously. "Ah- Miss Yasui. Mr. Kuran was actually here to discuss your class arrangements with me."

Feeling a pool of fear gather in her stomach, she shot a glare towards the vampire that had his hands neatly folded in front of him. Swallowing the growing lump in her throat, she didn't let the Headmaster continue before she pushed a small packet of papers onto his desk. They were her resignation papers. "May I please have my gun back?" With her question, she placed the staff he had let her borrow on his desk, seeing the smile fade from his face.

Even though the paper clearly stated she was leaving the school, it was missing the signature of a parent/guardian. Something she didn't have. As Headmaster Cross read over the papers, he reached into his drawer after unlocking it, and placed her gun and holster on the desk. Before she could grab it, Kaname's hand came up to stop her. Snarling at him, she pushed his hand out of the way and grabbed her weapon. "Thank you, for the opportunity, Headmaster Cross." Giving one last bow, Everea turned her back on the two of them, rushing out of the room.

She didn't think that was normally how resignations went, but she couldn't stand to be there any longer, and if Headmaster Cross was considering her transfer to the night class, Kuran had convinced him of the fact that she was a pureblood. She couldn't be. Wouldn't be. Rushing back to her dorm, Everea wrote a note for Zero, scribbling her name at the bottom, before sliding it under his door, and grabbing the one bag she had. Before she managed to get out the gates, a group of the night class students were there, blocking her. Probably on Kuran's orders. 

Snorting, she gave them all a glare, pushing her way through the crowd. The last to block her way were the two who had escorted her through the moon dormitory that first time, the one on the left having been the one to stop her from shooting Kuran. Maybe none of the others would touch her, but she didn't know about these two. "Get out of my way." Her voice sounded like a growl as her hand brushed against the weapon on her thigh. These people were getting on her nerves.

When neither moved, she went to walk past them, both pushing their arms out to block her. Scoffing, she shook her head and stood there. What was she going to do? Finally palming her bloody rose, she aimed it directly at Hanabusa, the barrel pushed against his chest, as she glared, "I said. Move."

With venom in her voice, he put both hands up, finally relenting. Looks like their resolve wasn't as great as Kaname thought. Rushing past them, she didn't stop to look back as she ran out the gates, hearing the clank of them closing behind her. She could only hope and pray she could stay one step ahead of the pureblood and escape whatever twisted game he was playing with her.

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