rescue and safety...kinda [chap.5]

Start from the beginning

it was silent as you both tried catching your breaths from the chase, that was until dogday finally caught his breath and started lecturing you on how 'reckless' you were being pulling a 'stunt' like that and putting yourself in danger or potential harm. 

He started to lecture you from the point you freed him, the unstable floorboards, the chase through the tunnels, and lastly to the jump you just did. You wondered if he did this with all the smiling critters, or if this was his way of feeling free again after being hung from his arms for who knows how long. 

soon enough you got tired of his lecturing, getting up you picked the toy up while he was talking and walked over to the elevator, hoping this would not only shut him up but you could possibly find something to stitch his bottom half together so he at least wouldn't be bleeding everywhere. 

It did in fact make him go quiet, something you were kind of glad about as your head started to ache and you didn't want to draw in any danger.

as you reached the top of the elevator you saw there was a dogday cut of how convenient. Although you weren't really excited to see it as a lot of past cutouts had screamed at the end of their dialogue and you were sure this one wouldn't be any different.

you had lowered dogday to walk to the cutout which had a slide right next to it, although you were sure of the end results you still wanted to know what the voice lines of this cutout would be curiosity had gotten the better of you making you press the red button attached to the dogday cutout 

"Dogday says...Fetch!"

upon hearing the cutout dogday's ears perked up as he crawled over to where you were. staring at the posted cutout, he didn't say anything though so you continued to press the button. 

"Go go! as far as you can!" 

the voice lines seemed normal for now- but you knew that's how all the voice lines seemed until the end.

"why are you...just standing there?" This voice line sounded uncertain and a little scared of whatever was happening, hearing this one you looked down at dogday who just continued to stare at the cut out not paying any attention to you.

you pressed the button again: 
"you can't be here. you can't stay."

the lines were starting to sound a little dull, similar to how dogday sounded in the cell just... more high-pitched.

you pressed the button one more time, and instead of a voice line, it was an elongated scream. 

 ꒰ ⋆ .⺌ ⟡ ⊂☀️⊃ ⟡ ⺌. ⋆ ꒱ 

you and dogday continued after the cutout fiasco, yall stood there for a few minutes before leaving because dogday stayed in one spot staring at the cardboard. 

yall were now walking back into the play care area when Ollie had called you, picking up the phone you answered: 

"hey, Ollie what up?" dogday peaked interest at the name his ears lifting as he listened. 

"Hey, are you alright? no ouchies or lost body parts?" Ollie asked kinda funny that someone was missing their body parts it just wasn't you. 

"nope! I'm fine but my buddy dogday is hurt, we're gonna have to take some time to rest, Do you think you can keep everything in order while I fix him, Ollie?" 

"Don't worry Y/N!! I got you covered!" and that is when Ollie hung the phone up.

you turned to dogday and smiled. 
"Let's find a place to patch you up ok bud?"

꒰⚘݄꒱₊⋆ ☀︎ _______ 

AH, I'm so sorry this chapter took longer than I had expected it to! I wanted to make it longer but I also didn't want to keep you guys waiting for an update so I hurried and kinda rushed this chapter as it's coming out. 

The next chapter should be a very calm one maybe even a fluffy chapter with just the reader and dogday!! if you guys can it would be nice for people to leave suggestions on what they want to see in the next chapter while dogday and the reader rest :)) 

The next chapter should be a very calm one maybe even a fluffy chapter with just the reader and dogday!! if you guys can it would be nice for people to leave suggestions on what they want to see in the next chapter while dogday and the reader rest...

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I never expected this crack fanfic to get so much attention as when I was making it it was probably around 3 am but I appreciate it anyways! 


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