an embarassment

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"Asa, if you don't talk to that boy again soon, we are going to have to volunteer at a nursing home and turn someone's grandmother into a greatsword." Yoru warned, tailing behind the schoolgirl.

I guess we will just find a new boy. Denji doesn't like me, not one bit.

"Look! There he is! In all his pathetic glory!" Yoru smiled, putting her hands on Asa's shoulder. Just round the corner of the street, a blond teenage boy was handing other students little metallic sheet-cubes.

Both of the girls squinted."Goodness, is he selling fucking condoms?!" Yoru snickered.
There's a reason he has to, no girls will talk to him.
Asa's cheeks flushed as he caught sight of her and waved a weak hand.

"Except for us."
Yeah, except for me.

Denji patted someone on the shoulder and bounded towards Asa, stumbling and shoving through multiple students. His sell was falling in a trail on the floor and a teacher eyed him in disappointment.

He's coming right towards me! What do I do? Yoru, take control! Asa whined, but her subconcious friend faded into the background, silently watching, laughing. Her ears filled with the beating noise of her heart. Why was she so nervous? Asa didn't get nervous for stupid reasons like this, and NOT for Denji. What was wrong? It had to be her intuition. Something bad was going to ha-

"Asa! Your hair looks like shit! What'd you do to it?" The blond put his hand on her shoulder. The girl became a fidgety mess and pulled out her pigtails. "Nothing! You're such a nuisance, Denji!" She barked back, pulling away from his hand and turning the other way.

"Oh, come on! I was joking. I'm sorry." He pleaded, trailing her like a dog. "Jokes are supposed to be funny." Asa pulled her hair over her ears, sinking into her shoulders. She made a beeline to the girls washroom and heard squeals from other girls inside as she gripped onto the sink.

"Pervert! Get out of here!" A student screeched. Yoru cackled as Asa realized Denji had followed her in.

She quickly tied her pigtails back up and brushed them over her shoulder, pouting her lip and grabbing Denji by the collar of his uniform. Asa drug the blond out of the bathroom. "Denji, you can act like a loser all you want, just don't do it at my expense." she scolded.

The once crowded hallway pittered out as they stood there, Denji's back against the wall. Out of rage, Asa hadn't considered proximity. A girl leaving the washroom gave them a dirty look and Asa took three steps back.

"I thought you were about to fight me!" Denji snickered. "I was gonna ask if you wanted to—"

"No, Denji. Do you want to go to the park with me?" Asa asked, sounding more like she was demanding him.

"Oh my God, Asa! This is too funny!" Yoru laughed. Denji put his hand on his forehead and sighed, the worst play of reluctance he could give.

"Uhm... I'll have to think about it.." Denji put a finger on his chin. "MMMMMMMmmmmhhhhh"

Asa pulled at her uniform collar and tapped her foot as Denji unfolded his display of hesitance. He avoided eye contact, internally hoping this would make her more eager. In reality, he just looked slow!

"Totally, Asa, do I need to bring food?" The blond asked. Asa heaved in relief and turned her lips into an odd grin. "I'll handle it."

Asa thought of shaking his hand before Yoru butted in: "That's too awkward! Let ME do it!".

A scar flashed onto Asa's face and she stepped towards Denji, pecked him on the cheek, and skipped off down the hallway.

And the strangled cries of.. Losers In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now