"Yes and Mommy mi cah deal wid Indiana and her foolishness suh it best mi nuh ansa" I hissed my teeth.

"Sanjay from Kayla a call yuh dhen a must supm, call har back" She told me.

"Mommy mi seh mi cah bada wid di foolishness, weh shi cud a call mi fa now?"

"Sanjay mi nuh like how yuh can be hard a hearing enu, yuh need to talk wid Indiana....

Her voice become faded as my eyes catches the scene infront of me. I push my head further in to windshield to see clearly. My blood started to boil and I slam my feet down on the brakes, as soon as the car stopped, I jumped out forgetting my mother is on the phone.

Anger takes my body over and without a second thought, I grab him off of her and throw him on the ground. Impulsively, I grab my gun from my waist and point it to him not caring in the moment that I am about to commit murder.

"Sanjay no!" Kacian screamed out.

"Hey battyman police yuh think mi fraid a yuh" He fussed as he try to get off the floor but I kick him back down.

"Sanjay please don't do it" I heard Kacian crying.

All I can see is his hands on her which is driving me to kill him right now caringless of the consequences that I will face. He try to reach into his side and the moment my eyes spot his gun, I step down on his hand and kick the gun aside which cause him to growl loudly. I select a bullet in my gun about to take his life when Kacian run infront of it causing me to lower my gun quickly.

"Don't do this to Talia please" She begged with tears soak her face.

"yuh think dhis ago suh battyman" her baby father grunt as he twist and turn on the ground in pain.

"Gwaan in a di car" I turn my eyes to Kacian.

"No, ya go kill him" She hesitated.

"Kacian mi seh gwan in di car!" I shouted at her which cause her  flinch. "Mi nah do him ntn suh gwan and nuh mek mi affi talk again" I looked down on her seriously.

She glared at me with tears running from her eyes before she walks off. After I heard the slamming of the car door, I walked down on her baby father that's trying to get off the ground and I stomp my foot hard into his back sending him down on his face. The only think that is saving him is because of their daughter.

"Put back yuh hand pon mi ooman and si if mi spare yuh next time" I said follow by another kick in his stomach.

I walked away and enter the car, Kacian look up at me but I keep my eyes on the road as fight the urge of not running the car over that motherfucker. The entire drive home was silent, only sound was her sobbing. I examine her face and my anger rise again, his fingers mark is printed out on her cheeks and it's swollen and her neck has a few marks on it.

"ya go report him enu" I said to her as I turn my focus back on the road.

"mi nah go a nuh station San-

"Mi nah fucking ask yuh enu Kacian, di man nearly kill yuh and yuh a seh yuh nah report him" I hissed my teeth as I glare at her. "Suppose me never cum in time, nuh dead yuh would a dead"

"Jay if mi do dhat, him ago report yuh too and yuh know a chubble dhat fi draw yuh gun pon him" She said fighting back tears.

True dhat but mi nuh care at di moment..

"Mi did a defend yuh suh him can gwan go report it" I looked over at her and tear's just leaking from her eyes.

"Mi nuh wah do eh jay, mi head a hurt mi and mi wah go sleep" She hissed her teeth.

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