A second finger would prompt a rough inhale that was begging to become a scream but stopped only by Jisung's hand clamping over his own mouth. The third finger, a shiver, Jisung's knuckles tensing further.

And when Minho crooked what was now three fingers inside of Jisung, angled them up so that coarse pads grazed the tender spot that he knew would be there, he could visibly see Jisung's length twitch and jerk in front of him.

"Already so close, hmm?" Minho commented, voice syrupy.

Words weren't even an option for Jisung. He just babbled, eyes glued to Minho and the way he asked the question with three fingers still inside. It took everything in him to stay still, the urge to please himself only just topped by the urge to please Minho.

Then there was an emptiness, and Jisung wailed. He'd clenched eyelids shut in a mic of pleasure and numbing agony, so hadn't noticed Minho drawing away from him.

"Hyn..." Jisung gurgled. "C'm ba..."

The rustle of a packet made his eyes flutter open. A frown, a pout, weak hands lifting to push childishly at the condom packet in Minho's hands.

"Don' need," he mumbled. "First time, remember?"

"Not my first time," Minho reminded.

This may have been a jealous thorn in Jisung's side if he was coherent enough to think logically, but all he cared about in the moment was the new, aching emptiness in his core and the way his approaching orgasm had been halted painfully at the threshold.

"You sure, Sungie?" Minho paused as Jisung nodded.

Threw the condom off to one side. Glanced between a bottle of lube and Jisung's glistening hole, realised with an unholy thrill that he didn't need it, and bent over so he was flush against Jisung.

Lined himself up with the younger. Paused.

"Not been with anyone, anyway. Didn't want to. Not since I saw you at that party. Not since I realised you'd seen me."

Brushed a quick kiss against Jisung's throat, relished the whimper that came with it, pressed only a touch more into Jisung.

"Everyone said you were bratty. Needed to be brought down a peg."

Jisung was sobbing now, whole body lit up in flames as Minho pushed further into him. The older felt the tight constriction of muscles around himself and shivered. Even with barely the tip of Minho pushing into him, Jisung was fighting everything in himself not to writhe.

"So pretty, so confident. Remember what I said? Knew how easily I could make you mine?" Minho grunted.

Panted breaths from Jisung, fingers clutching into the bedsheets around him. When he reached up to try and grab at Minho, desperate to feel the older in anyway possible, Minho was lightning quick in his reaction. Jisung's breaths became even more laboured as Minho used a firm grip to hold both of the younger's wrists up above his head.

It put him even more on display. His chest curved upwards, ribs showing through each strained exhale. Minho ben as he pushed even more of himself into Jisung to pepper kisses along Jisung's chest.

The fact that Jisung's hands were restrained meant he couldn't hold his voice in any more. A stream of gasps, whines, murmured words, expelled into the room. This seemed to drive Minho deeper. Especially when each inch added reset the pitch of Jisung's moans.

Minho grunted when he felt himself hit his limit. He was pushed all the way into Jisung, and Jisung was muttering swear words under his breath. They got louder when Minho paused, filling Jisung completely but making him feel simultaneously barren with the lack of movement.

"Fuck, Hyung, you little prick... Teasing, stop it, so fucking desperate, I'll kill you..."

A sound from Minho that rippled through the air, something close to a giggle. He did his best not to move, committed to staying as still as he could inside of Jisung.

"Do you think you're capable of killing me?" Minho asked with a grin.

Jisung let out a growl. Glared up at Minho.

"Do anything you want. Begging, hyung. Just keep going."

Another laugh from Minho. He let his eyes linger once more on Jisung, who, if looks could kill, would have a murder charge on his hands in that moment.

"Fine. Anything I want."

It was a blessing that the music was still loud downstairs, because when Minho bottomed out in one quick, fast movement, Jisung shrieked.

Cried out louder, pitch higher, when in an equally rapid motion Minho forced himself all the way back in. He paused for an instant just to check that Jisung was still breathing. Began to drive his hips with all of the force he needed into a keening Jisung.

"Thought about this when I saw you touching Hyunjin. So bitter, you got what you wanted, I was jealous. Wanted to turn you inside out."

Even through his whimpers, Jisung took in every word Minho said, and if anything it sent him further into delirium.

"Wanted to fuck some sense into you. So pretty, so cocky, so easy to fucking dominate."

Both were drawing closer. Jisung's dick was spasming even with nothing touching it, and Minho wasn't even thinking about Jisung's poor virginity as he fucked him mindlessly. All he could think about was getting off, and the sounds that were coming from the sweet boy's mouth beneath him.

"Hyung, all I want, so close... Only you, always you, need you," Jisung babbled.

His eyes had rolled into his head almost momentarily, before he remembered what Minho liked. Forced his eyes open with the last bit of strength he had so he could meet Minho's eyes as they both exploded.

It was like they were in sync, Jisung going limp all over his own stomach as he felt Minho tense and then pulse inside of him. The sensation was nothing Jisung had ever felt before; it alone drove another burst of cum from him. He was still breathing irregularly when he felt Minho finally release his hands from his grasp and let his weight drop onto the younger.

Minho let himself lay there for a moment, slowly softening inside of Jisung. Jisung's breath had started to slow into a steady coos of praise and thanks into Minho's ear.

When Minho finally pulled himself away, he watched as his retreating cock let a flood of cum and sweat and spit pool out of Jisung. Another shiver, growing hard again already. Jisung hissed when he felt the pressure of Minho's tongue cleaning up after himself. He was so sensitive he couldn't respond any further.

He solely hummed as Minho crawled back up to lay beside him. That was when he realised Minho was still wearing every piece of clothing he had on. The realisation was degrading enough, embarrassing enough, that he too felt himself stiffening once more.

But both were spent. Minho made an effort to shrug his clothes off, used one foot to shove the chair from his desk up against the door to block anyone coming in. Curled up against Jisung and tangled their arms and legs together. Listened to the younger's breath slow further.

The afterglow was Minho's favourite part, and Jisung was radiant.

And then in the hushed silence that had stilled between them, three words:

"I love you."


ehehe call me aespa i need things 2 be salty AND sweet !!!

a gift for my lovely readers ;) im gna write a couple more chapters of this before it ends so if theres anything specific u wanna see / anything in previous chapters that you want me to explain in the next few chapters lemme know!!!!! i am plagued by plot holes because my memory is hell!!!

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