Sighing, Kaname picked the book back up, "If you look here, it says there was a daughter to this house, and that she's supposedly dead." He put the book back in her lap. "Now read the names."

Everea's eyes narrowed suspiciously, her hands holding the book. Maybe he really was having fun teasing her. Reading over the names of the family on that page, she felt a growing dread inside of her, her stomach wrenching. As she reached the last name on the page, her mind felt like it was being ripped in half, refusing to acknowledge what was there. It wasn't possible. It was a mistake. He was just trying to confuse her. 

Shuddering, Everea all but threw the book onto the table, getting up from her seat, as if everything was covered in disease or something. "You're just playing games with me." Even though she said it, she wasn't sure what the hell was going on anymore. First, it was Headmaster Cross telling her she had more family out there, now this pureblood was trying to tell her she was part of a vampire's family- and not just any family, a pureblooded lineage with the last name Black. Her old last name...

Feeling as though she was going to get ill, Everea took a steady breath and turned her back on the vampire in front of her. This was all some kind of sick joke. That was it. "Leave me alone. I'm tired of your games." She reached the door to the room before he was upon her, blocking her with a hand on the door. With her hand on the doorknob, she felt her limbs shaking, her head pounding with such intensity it felt like she would pass out. "Move."

As Kaname held the door shut, she heard a commotion outside, her heart leaping into her throat. Somebody was down there, maybe they would help her, "Hey-" Before she could shout further, his hand came over her mouth, her eyes widening as she tried to smack him, her hand easily being caught in his own. Trapped in his embrace, her mouth covered, Everea reached up to try and pull his hand away from her mouth, her eyes watering. Everything was piling up too fast. She needed somebody she trusted, somebody like Albert, but he was gone. Who else did she have?

Feeling helpless, she almost gave up before finding another fire inside that she didn't know she had. Zero. She needed her friend. Biting down on Kaname's hand, she finally got him to let her go, his blood dripping down her chin as she spat the rest out, pulling away from him as fast as she could, not even bothering to try and go back to the room for her things. Slamming the door open, she knew the place was crawling with vampires by the senses she felt, her feet cramping as she ran down a random hallway. This place was a maze, how would she ever get out of here?

Reaching a dead end, she cursed, shuddering as she turned around and made a break for the stairs she'd seen not only five feet back. Landing on the first step, she lost her left shoe, leading to a tumble down the first flight, stopping on a landing, before getting up and taking her other shoe off, her socks as well, before she kept running. It was quieter this way anyways. Before she could reach the end of the stairs, a group of the aristocrats was already waiting for her, and she panicked, turning to go back up, but there was another group there too. 

"Fuck-" Without another way out, she leaped over the railing, landing shakily on the balls of her feet, before making it to a window. As she hauled the window open, the thing weighing a thousand pounds it seemed, a hand she knew too well came over her own, and pulled her away, making her face him. "No." Even though there was an audience now, Everea couldn't help but try and get him off of her. She hadn't been here more than a week and she was already wrapped up in so much trouble.

As Kaname held her still, he dismissed everyone there, "She merely misunderstood the context of her visit." Being his excuse. Despite the others having doubts, Everea could tell they knew there was something more, seeing her in his shirt, barefoot, and running away; but they didn't question their pureblood and went away quietly. "That was quite the reaction, Everea Black." Shuddering as he used her original name, she didn't fight his hold on her wrist any longer, her head screaming in pain.

She needed to think of a way out of this. Some way that would appease him into leaving her alone, at least for a little while. "Let go. I need time." Her voice sounded steady even though she was internally shaking and losing her mind. To her surprise, he did release her wrist and took a step back. Rubbing her wrist even though it didn't hurt, she stood there, a good foot and a half shorter than him debating on what her next words would be. Before she could think of them, a flash of red splattered the room almost like blood, before she flinched, and closed her eyes. It was just because of the stress.

Kaname had kept staring at her through her silence, and she could feel it. He was like a hawk singling out a little bunny, and that bunny was her. Suddenly, somebody showed up with her things, and she took them, confused on how they knew to bring them to her, or that she was there. "You're going to need to transfer to the night class."

"What?" Dumbfounded, the redhead looked up at him, her things clutched in her arms. "Like hell, I am. I said I needed time. That means away from you. From... from this!" She exclaimed, gesturing to the place around her. It wasn't right. He was wrong. She'd been human her whole life, and he was wrong. It was just some girl with the same name as her. Besides, that girl wasn't alive anymore, the book had said so.

Even though he didn't give her an answer, she stormed by him, still barefoot, as she raced out of the moon dormitory back to the sun dorms. How was she going to tell Zero? Would he help her hide? What about Albert's wish? She wouldn't be able to hide forever... A pureblood had resources beyond these walls. 

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