Chapter 2

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After reaching Liyue, Yelan asks Beidou:

"Beidou, there's something wrong. I feel like I got out of there too easily. That doesn't feel right to me." Beidou replies with: "I get it. But all that matters is that you're here right now. Stay alert now, Yelan."

With a nod and thank, Yelan leaves the fleet.

Still suspicious, she decides to inform her men to stay on their guard at all times. "If you see anything which might be even in the slightest bit off, inform me right away. Got it? No secrets now." She says strictly.

She dispatches her men to quietly inspect Liyue Harbour, each of them coming back with no information about anything strange.

Yelans men tell her to lower her guard and try to tell her that they have more important things to carry out other than her suspicion. With a sigh, and realising that her men are probably right, Yelan agrees with them and continues her life.

She decides to head to Xinyue Kiosk to have tea and reads a book, trying to flash her new white jacket to people, her victorious achievement causing her to grin behind her book.

A voice behind her book peeks over her asking: "May I sit here, Lady Yelan?" Yelan puts her book aside and says: "Who goes there? How do you know of my identity?" The figure upon her smirks, replying with: "I know of everything. Including that stunning jacket of yours." "Let's settle this outside, shall we?" Asks Yelan.

Outside, the woman and Yelan make an agreement.

"House of the Hearth? Never heard of you. What are you here for, and how do you know of my identity?"

Pulling her hooded cape aside, the figure reveals her appearance. Yelan steps back at the sight of her. "The Knave, am I right..?"

Clapping her hands, The Knave congratulates Yelan for knowing her.

"And you are ... The intelligence agent of the Ministry of Civil affairs? As a Fatui Harbinger, I simply am amazed of the dedication you possess to steal a gift from the Regrator to her majesty the Tsaritsa." Says the Knave.

"Call me Arlecchino, Yelan."

"You're here for the coat?""Pfft, no. I'm here to ruin your life."

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