"For the love of Rava slow down a sec, geez I come and talk to you for like two minutes and you've already seemed to have lost the reason I assume you wanted to talk in the first place" Kuruk replied with a sigh.


Kuruk looked skeptical. "I really am, promise. I've just spent all the time after getting out of that cell in the hospital. I have been nothing but a burden to the people around me, I can't even go a day without having some sort of melt down. Rangi's had to deal with it all, she says I nearly killed myself over the matter-"

She paused for a moment thinking about what she had said, then she thought of something.

"So do you have a plan then?" He asked noticing the expression on her face.

"I guess, it's not the best. But it will fix the damage I've done"

Now Kuruk was really skeptical. "And what's that?"

"If I can get Naurkok to fight me, knock him down a couple pegs, enough that he would be so mad that he wouldn't think straight, and would take me out without another thought" Kyoshi explained, choosing to look at the group below her.

"You don't mean that" He tried to call her bluff.

"Those were the conditions of the portal, between Naurkok and I we have to be so weak that the portal is on the verge of collapse. Then it can close. I can give instructions for the others to finish the task after I'm gone"

"You don't have to throw your life away on something like this" Kuruk replied, mortified at what he was hearing.

"But what if I have too, it might be the only way to make it right. So many people are going to suffer because of me. They are losing their homes, their lives!" Kyoshi yelled.

"I know you will be able to find another way"

Kyoshi sighed. "And if the time comes and I don't, I know what to do. I couldn't live on with my life knowing I gave them every tool they needed to succeed. Or know that I was too weak to live up to my own mistakes."


"Kuruk, that's just how it's going to be okay?" She snapped back.

He sighed in defeat taking a seat on the ground, "How's Rangi doing?"

Kyoshi's face fell. "It is not just you anymore, this doesn't have to be the end. It shouldn't be. Don't be like me and force yourself to suffer so much all because of one thing that happened under your era" He replied.

"You mean my mistake?" Kyoshi scoffed. "Would it have been a mistake if Rangi was actually a hostage?"

Kyoshi stayed silent as he continued. "You just need the portal weak enough to destroy it" And with that he faded. She pulled at her hair, turning away from where Kuruk previously was squeezing her eyes shut. When did he become mister knowledgeable?

With a sigh she released her hair, knowing Rangi wouldn't be happy seeing her continue the habit and reached for the ground behind her to sit back and think. Only there was no ground. Kyoshi didn't remember when she had gotten so close to the turtle duck pond but now she was swimming in it. Sputtering the water from her mouth as she sat up, pulling the wet hair from infront of her face to see her fire bender glaring at her.

"I thought you were joking about drowning in a pond"

"Right on time as always" Kyoshi commented, noting how Rangi always seemed to show up after something like this had happened.

"I was watching from the windows over there, and when you started moving again I figured I came over, then watched you fall into the pond. It is a bit untraditional for a meditation though don't you think?" Rangi replied.

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