"Yes you can, Suneater. This is your life ling dream! Dont give up now!" Lemillion offered his words, helping the boy up as you guys continued on.

Run ... Run.... Run!

You were falling behind, mainly because regardless of your stamina, if you felt any wave of fatigue, it could affect your quirk and your plan, so you had to to be weary. Obviously, that made deemed to be a mistake.

"AAAHH!" you screamed, a hole opening under you and swallowing you whole, the rest of the group being swallowed too.

"a hall?" Deku questioned, the first to get get up

"We're getting farther  and farther sway from our goal! Lets go!" you yelled

"Its about time we show them the strength lf a pro hero!" Fat gum claimed, running hhis hand's together.

"Save the strength of the pro's for the goal. I can handle this myself! For the ones stalling time... I'll be enough by myself!" Tamaki declared, his demeanor changed from his  previous anxious one, to a determined one.

"What are you saying? Lets work together!" Red riot yelled, looking at the 3 foes in front of them

"Yeah, lets work together... I'll kill all of you" a man with blondish-yellow hair and a katana spoke, half of his face covered by a mask.

"Let me take care of this!" you declared, although Sir night eye shook his head.

"you do that, our  plan goes down the drain. You're a pro hero, think like a pro!" Sir night eye grumbled

tamaki's hands became tentacles on on octopus, grabbing the 3 villains and slamming them into a wall

"The other villain's will not wait to do their plan! finish the goal!" Tamaki yelled, you taking initiative and running ahead.

He was right

You had to save those kids


As your group pushed forward, the rest of Fat gum's group ended up stopping to fight foes, leaking you, Aizawa, and Deku. Sir night eye was there, yet a little behind as he was helping the police who was stuck by the villains quirk

"Does anyone know which way we're going ?" you yelled, running down the long, yet narrowing hallway

The walls began to warp, pillars shooting towards you three.

"Y/N, watch out!" Deku yelled, breaking it with a kick

The walls opened, revealing everyone around, pillars then slamming down .

with quick reflexes, Aizawa grabbed both you and Deku before you could get slammed by the moving wall

"Why separate us now?" you wondered aloud, the three of you back to back

moving forward a few steps, walls seemed to trap around you

"Okay , what the fuck..."

from behind, Toga jumped out , her knife just merrily missing your scalp as you dodged her attack

Running forward, you pulled the knife out from your pocket, stabbing the blonde, who disintegrated into ash.

"Y/N!" Deku called, soon after he had broke the wall down

"I was attacked by Toga.. but it was a clone."

"I think ive seen something like this!"

Aizawa looked down at the pile of ash before junping back, activating his quirk as Toga jumped out, her knives in hand.

with his scarf tight in his hand, he was still open to attacks, Toga taking the opportunity to slip her blade into his back before disappearing through the vents



Even if he had been acting off, you still loved him to death and you hated that he got injured right in front of you like that .

"I wish dad's wound was nonexistent " you  whispered, the wound on  his back sealing shut.

He grumbled a thanks, you nodding your head

"Izuku, are you injured?" the boy shook his head.

"Sir night eye, are you?" he shook his head too, signaling for you guys to continue on.

"Where do you guys think youre going! Big  Brother Hange, get them!" Twice appeared from in the walls,  a tall man who you assumed was Hange

Hange ran towards Night eye, slamming into the wall with great force  with a swipe of the mans hand

" You villains will be stopped and moved out of our way." Nighyeye threw another contraption, cutting some of the mans mask off

"Next one will not be a warning shot."

Twice befan to freak out, begging for the villain behind the walls to let him back in, which he reluctantly did, although he revealed his location.

"Im going to find Eri and who else needs to get out.  if i stay, I'll be using crucial energy." they nodded as you began to run , turning through hallways and downstairs until you found a hall that had doors.

Slowing your pace, you opened every door until you found Eri.

"Hi Sweetpea!" you sighed relief as she ran towards you, hugging your leg

"Lets get you out of here, yeah? You'll never suffer sweatpea." You grinned, grabbing the little girls hand , running to look through the other doors.

Opening the last door on the floor, a boy with melanin skin sat  on his bed, his hair in locs and threw back. From afar, he looked a little bit like Aizawa,  but you couldn't exactly tell

"Hey! Are you okay?" you whispered, the boy's head swinging towards you


Genie| K. Bakugo {REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now