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River frowns a little.

"Hey..!" You say to Hunter.

"No...! You hey! Why were you smiling at him?" He says with a hint of envy, and anxiety.

You don't say anything.

"I thought I told you, you should stay away from him, I don't want you getting hurt, he's probably involved in something bad, and I don't want our paths colliding!" Hunter says.

"Sorry." You say.

"...please...don't talk to him." He sighs.

"...sorry." You mumble.

His hand on your wrist slides down to your hand and he holds it in his. You take it and hold it as well and he keeps walking with you.

He squeezes it ever so slightly as he walks and you think you can see a small red in his ears tucked under his hood. It's faint though.

"...I don't know what his motorcycle looks like." Hunter says softly trying to change the subject.

"I do, don't worry." You say.

He nods and his grip on your hand starts getting tighter. He's really not shy when it comes to holding your hand, his grip on it is really tight.

"Hunter." You say softly.

He glances at you. You look around to see if there's anybody else in the hallways. It seems like there's not so you grip his hand tighter.

"Can I ask something weird?" You say brushing your shoulder against his.

"..what?" He mumbles.

"...You told me while you were gone you dreamt of me." You say softly.

He starts sweating.

"What did you dream of?" You ask.

"Uh- um- why do you need to know that now? We're in the middle of something..!" He says obviously flushed underneath his mask.

"Just curious." You say.

"Uhmm... I'll tell you later. Just... shut up..! Let's focus." He says shakily.

He stands infront of the door to a storage unit and he glances at you.

"I need to go past a checkpoint. Don't say anything, I'm just gonna tell them I'm showing you old prisoner artifacts or...something." He says.

You nod.

He nods and he looks away, giving your hand a quick caress with his thumb before he lets go, and opens the doors. You blush slightly and look away also.

He walks in and you go in after him. There's a few scouts stationed up front and they look at you both. Hunter folds his arms.

"And what's your purpose of check in?" A scout says.

"She's curious about some items a prisoner who recently got taken in had, she's in the healing wing and she just wants to study what exactly caused some damage to one of her patients." Hunter lies.

The scouts stare at us for a little and then nod and let you through. You follow Hunter into the storage unit and he glances behind you to see if you're following.

You walk next to him and eventually you both get away from the scouts, so it's just you both now.

Hunter mumbles something under his breath and you perk your head up to look at him.

"What?" You ask.

"...ridiculous he wants his damn motorcycle just to go into town." Hunter scoffs.

"He loves his motorcycle, always has, if anything I'm surprised he didn't ask for it sooner, since you've been working with him for so long." You say.

Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu