CHAPTER 8: Longing

Start from the beginning

"No...I mean ...Uhm...! Wei Gonzi...are you telling me that you cannot see Wangji.? And Wangji...are you telling me that you can't see Wei Gonzi..?"

"Is Wei Ying right here..? But why can't I see him?"

"Zewu Jun.what is he saying... Can you truly see him..?"

It was so frustrating for both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying but what could they do except allowing the immortal brother- inlaw do it.

After that...there were whispers here and there from the three, planning on what to do to get to the bottom of things. It was so unfair for both of them not to see each other and that was the reason why the priest, immortal Lan Xichen, wanted to find out the reason why it was so.

Being told that thier soulmate was just right next to the but couldn't see or hear them was heartbreaking for the them, but they could do nothing about it.

The two grandmothers had ti watch on and do nothing but wonder if their grandsons were okay. After the light in the room disappeared and the other team visitors ascended, the priest went back to them and removed the shield.

The first one to ask a question was of course the gardener, Wen Ning. He was so eager to see his master but he couldn't see him nor talk to him. Wen Ning admired Wei Ying, not only because he brought him back from the dead, since his soul was already tainted by the greedy and hungry stone goddess. It was like he was living with had a soul until Wei Ying, brought made brought him back from the dead after his whole soul had crossed over.

To put things as simple as possible, he was the living dead. The strongest and liveliest of his kind a thanks to Wei Ying, and he never stopped feeing grateful to him for that. But there was another resin why Wen Ning, the Ghost General wanted to stay by Wei Ying's side, even though he was younger than Wei Ying, he always thought Wei Ying would see him more than he thought of him.

He loved Wei Ying, not as one would love their master, but, he wished for the kind of live Wei Ying had for Lan Zhan. Since that couldn't happen, he always stood next to him, waiting for a chance to be acknowledged by Wei Ying. Even so, he never wished bad for him or Lan Zhan after failing to get that live back.

He decided to take Wei Ying as his master and hide all the love he had for him deep in his heart for no one to see and find out. But even after doing that, only one person noticed the way Wen Ning looked at Wei Ying, and that was Lan Zhan.

He was always on guard and even though he never told Wei Ying about Wen Ning's affection towards him, he made sure to act it out. He would get scolded here and there by Wei Ying for it but he could do nothing about it since he himself never realised the way Wen Ning felt about him. Lan Zhan had noticed the way Wen Ning looked at Wei Ying but because he had no one, he let him tag along everywhere he and Wei Ying went.

The priest went out with Wen Ning and the two older women sat there beside their grandsons bed, holding their hands and wishing they could wake up. Their worries grew even more after Lan Xichen went away without even telling them exactly what he was doing and what he found out about their sudden sleep.

Two weeks later, Wang Yibo woke up, and the first person to see and take a good look at was the priest. All Lan Xichen wanted was for Wang Yibo to wake up healthy and hmwith no complications on his part wanted, even for Xiao Zhan. But what he never thought was that Wang Yibo would wake up to recognise him as his brother. The first thing he said when he woke up was...

"Xiongzhang, Wangji is sorry for leaving you the way Wangji did. Wangji was stupid and didn't think what the pain  and the last memory Wangji was leaving behind for Xiongzhang to remember for this long. Wangji is very very sorry and asks to be forgiven "

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